Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Rain Rain Go Away

This morning I went to pick up my new phone, and got it allsetup. I'm super disappointed that a few of my apps were not cooperating and sending verification texts to the old phon, instead of ,,, I don't know. My Cel Phone NUMBER. 


New phone in hand, whew. I have it. Many things were frustrating with this process. It took the better part of a few hours to reactivate log-ins and connections. I lost the progress in one game, it set me back to ground zero so thankfully Pokemon Go did not fuck me over. 

The two factor authentication (2FA) for work was challenging. I had to call tech support and bother them. But my favorite person answered, and he saved the day. 

The rest of the day was easy. Tickets, meetings, the surprise news that a favorite co-worker adopted a lovely little dog and we met on a video call today so he could show me. Two of my work besties have had work shifting with responsibilities. I have a meeting with one of them tomorrow morning to discuss our new futures with the products.

My life never changes but the product team changes. 

I started to pack today but did not get far. Between phone adventures and the fact I need to do some more laundry, I'm not ready to pack. So tomorrow, I have windows. 

It is supposed to storm this weekend and that disappoints me. There are so many people freaking on the FB pages about mud and mess and wet. And I am less concerned about that than I am cold. I can be wet. but if it is 62 degrees and I am wet. Well. That'll suck. 

No matter. I'll dance and be warm. 

Getting through tomorrow is key. Target is for S&S to pick me up at 6:30pm. And the rest is gravy. 

Digits below weather forecast. Start praying for less moisture. Please. 


exercise: 12/12 hours.  I took a 15 min. walk at the mall but somehow it didn't register on the fitbit. Oh well. 7k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 146
5:30pm: 171
10:45pm: 151


9:45am: apple w/pb
1:30pm: metformin; grilled turkey & havarti on 647 multigrain bread
6:30pm: grilled shrimp over a nice salad of spinach, goat cheese, red onion, cherry tomatoes, cucumber; scoop of macaroni salad, scoop of potato salad
7:30pm: metformin+jardiance
wine+diet ginger ale
9:15: 2 ramekins of candied nuts

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