Sunday, August 11, 2024

OTO Saturday

Back at the hotel. Your girl can't hang. There is an afterparty at the venue, and I could not muster the energy to go. Even though I knew I'd get a ride back to the hotel from any number of friends.

Linda went. Our friend Spicy V is going to bring her back here. I have regrets now that I'm typing this. The afterparties of the past are legendary.

That's ok. I can live vicariously through everyone's photos on Facebook. 

As always, it's such a busy event. We hung out at the hotel all morning, again, and made it over to the venue early to stand in line. I had wanted to go even earlier to go to the brewery I wanted to visit, but I'm glad we got on line when we did. 

The show was fantastic. We missed out on most of Queen of Jeans, but Trousdale was amazing. So fantastic. Kevin Morby was a lot of fun. And then, we went to the side stage to watch The Zambonis. 

They play songs about hockey. Over the years we've become friends with the lead guy Dave, he's a riot. And they did not disappoint. 

Yes, that's a person in a monkey suit. That's the Hockey Monkey. Legendary. 

Toad the Wet Sprocket also played, and they are just so amazingly good. We all know big hits from them like "Walk on the Ocean," and "All I Want." But they have so many other great songs, and the crowd was absolutely into it. What a great band to usher Guster onto the stage.

I have no Guster pictures because we were in the VIP section hunkered down in the only shade in the place. I would have loved to have been closer, but we were having family fun and friend time. 

Guster played a song called Eden that my sister and I always sing, and we've wanted to sing with the band. They never, ever ever everrrr play it. 

So what a joy to have it, and to stand in the audience and sing it with Linda, perfectly. And she maybe cried at the end. 

Oh, and we had a bee come visit us, and it was very special. 

It flew into me while I was spreading cheese onto a cracker, and landed right in the cheese. It was confused. We put it on this piece of wood, and  Here's a picture of Jess' hands holding the bee on a little piece of wood. My brand new camera didn't focus as well on the bee as I'd hoped! This could have been a much more perfect picture. It is still cool. 

We let the bee and the wood go through the fence behind where we were sitting, and it was there for a really long time. I was terribly worried about it. 

Eventually, we checked and it was gone. So I hope that it was very happy moving along. Thanks for visiting, bee. 

Tomorrow is another super busy day. We have to be out the door at 11 to get to a Storyteller event. Sara is one of the readers. 

And then, over to Thompson's Point again for the last day. One of the musicians, Sunny War, did a Tiny Desk and I love her. I can't wait to see her. And Grace Potter is there, right before Guster, who will play their entire Lost and Gone Forever album, to celebrate it's 25th anniversary. Has to be one of my top 5 favorite albums ever. Looking forward to this. 

Good night! Digits below.

Here's the sunset, which was amazing.


exercise: 12/12 hours. No dedicated measured exercise, but a lot of movement. 10k+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:45am: 140 
5pm: 195
10:45pm: 185 (retesting after metformin+jardiance)
12:30am retest: 143

10am: 1 souffle, 2 sausage patties
noon: metformin; some pepperoni slices; wine+diet cranberry
through the day, cheese & crackers, pepperoni, some trail mix, 3 beers. shared bowls of chicken and pork BBQ with coleslaw
10:45pm: Metformin+jardiance (I forgot to pack it in my kit)

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