Thursday, August 08, 2024

Will always be home

I set up a fan meet and greet at a Portland tonight for all the Guster fans who were in the neighborhood early. I was pleasantly surprised at how many people turned up. I expected 10. There were easily 25. And some late arrivals of folks who I sometimes think are too cool for hanging out with others, they were there, and it was nice to see them. 

Thankfully, this outdoor gathering was only slightly drizzled on! I was terrified that it would pour down rain. It all held off. And I think everyone had a great time. I met a few new people. The "Button Fairy" was there with all new buttons and I love them and her.  

Tomorrow will be a busy day - some fun bracelet making time at one of the breweries, and the show tomorrow night. Very excited for this one.

It has been a ton of fun traveling with Henry and S&S. I'm exhausted though? I forget what it is like to be around an 8 yr old all the time. I bless Sean and Sara for how wonderful they do with Hen. He says the funniest things. And I greatly enjoy him. 

When we were driving up 495, I said things like "this would be the exit to go to my old house," and "This is the exit to Jess' place," and "this is where I'd get off to go see Carrie." 

I said to Sara at one point, this is just home. This will always be home. 

I'm exhausted. Truly exhausted. I got about 4 hours of sleep last night, and my bag with my Zzzzz quillll in it is in the car, and I'm not going out to find it. 

took a few pics tonight, but liked this one. Digits below. 


exercise: 11/12 hours.  Missed 5pm in the car. 7550+ steps by bedtime.

blood glucose:

8am: 124 (tested 2x. 124 and 129. taking the low read!)
6:30pm: 168
11:30pm: 150

8:30am: 6 sausage links, one cute little jalapeno souffle muffin, breadier than I expected
10:30am: Metformin
4pm: chicken nuggets from BK
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance
7:45pm: caesar salad w/ shrimp. Ate the shrimp, not most of the caesar salad. One beer. One chicken nugget stolen from Henry. 
10pm: one mimosa w/diet cranberry

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