Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Wonderful Weather

This morning I went out to check on the garden plants, and it was actually chilly out. I would have sat outside for a while, but the patio cushions were wet from yesterday still, so I walked around, watered a few things. I noted that the petunias have gotten totally leggy (photo below). A few things are thriving, some are basically done. I took a couple of pictures while walking around. 

Before I left, Doug had left his weed whacker outside under the front bush, by the steps. He went to use it and it was dead (um. You left it out in the rain and stuff okay...) but worse than that, it was infested with ants. ANTS thousands millions billions of ants, with baby eggs and all kinds of shit. So I guess Doug has to buy a new weed whacker. Gross. 

After I did my walkabout, it was the kind of day I'd longed for. To sit outside, and work, in this temperature, but note the wet patio seats. Back inside for the duration.

After work, Doug made dinner as I troubleshot some problems for a client trying to run an embed on her site and it wouldn't go. He made buffalo wings (could have been cooked longer but. Not complaining. I didn't have to cook, right?) 

When we finished dinner, I figured he was not interested in going out for a walk since it was after 6pm. He usually goes between 4 and 5 while I'm still working. He said he was going to go, and asked me if I wanted to go. I said I didn't want to go for too long a walk, and we ended up with 40 min.  Not bad for me not wanting to go too much in the first place. 

I got a lot done when we got back with helping the client with her problem, not a perfect resolution but, it will do for the night. 

We'll see what the weather brings tomorrow. Digits below a couple pictures. 


exercise: 12/12 hours.  40 minute outside walk with Doug and Toffee. 8700+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 165
5pm: 195 
10:30pm: 168

11am: trail mix, metformin
11:45am: english muffin w/ cheese & turkey
2:30pm: ramekin of trail mix 
6pm: about 8 buffalo wings, some celery sticks, bleu cheese dressing
7pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: 1 chocolate chip cookie

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