Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Losing of the Light

How is this weekend September? What just happened? 

It is dark at 7:50pm. The sun isn't coming up until 6:30am. And when I finally notice this is happening, it becomes real. Summer is on its way out. 

But it is still summer. Today, it was 98 degrees. Right now, as I write this, it is 89. It's hot. Doug didn't want to take Toffee for a walk, and he was napping so I didn't get an inside walk. And I so didn't want to go to the gym. I did leave to go get Geoff at work while his foot gets better, and thought about a quick, solo walk around the hospital campus but I didn't leave early enough to do it. 

So today was a not much walk day. Just the hourly steps minus the one hour I missed because I was distracted. And, when the temperature finally cooled down a bit, that's when we got the Thunderstorm. It started around 8:30 and has been singing the song of its people all the way to this point (after 10pm). Looks like it is going to go on for quite a while. 

We earned it.

It was a busy day at work, a number of good meetings, and a project starting up in a few weeks. That should make things interesting. Doug did more looking into his laptop situation and decided it was time to make an appointment to take the laptop in for repair (yay). We have an appointment tomorrow afternoon. I say we because he wants me to go with, because I "speak the geek language," and they'll probably listen to me.

He is also looking at new TVs. The TV we have used to be the big screen in the conference room in our Boston office. We've had it 7 years, and it was probably already 5 years old at the point it ws handed off to me. 

The speaker in the back vibrates, so when there is music playing or something happening, there is a horrible vibration and hum that makes me crazy. We use an external speaker sometimes but it's hard to control, and you have to do it with your phone through the Roku. It's stupid. 

Plus, we've got enough space that we can get a bigger TV and it'd be awesome. 

So I'm cutting out an hour early tomorrow. Perhaps maybe we'll come home with a new TV, as a treat. 

I guess that's about it. No real good tidy updates today, I did make a lovely chicken salad. And that was a win.

digits below! 


exercise: 11/12 hours. Missed 8pm hour, wasn't paying attention to the time. 4500+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8am: 160
5:30pm: 159 
10pm: 157

noon: metformin, chicken salad w/ walnuts & grapes
3pm: 3 celery stalks w/pb
6pm: chili, with ground beef, beans, onions, sour cream, shredded cheese, fritos
7:15pm: metformin+jardiance 

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