Monday, August 05, 2024

The Phone Upgrade

I was all ready to walk out the door, and things broke at work. I did a quick communication to our client base about "there's a thing going on, and maybe you're experiencing it, maybe not, but hey. We know. Hang tight." 

And then I walked out the door. 

I went in person to the T-Mobile store to get my phone replaced. Doug had tried to do this for me online the other day and for some reason he could not get the order to go through so he got frustrated, and yelly. I told him to not take it out on me, just stop. Don't worry about it. 

See, he and Geoff got new phones in January, and successfully got them online. Without incident. He didn't order me one. I asked him why, and he said 'oh your phone is fine.' True, yes. Fine is ine.

Now it is not. It won't keep a charge for longer than an hour. So I need a new phone if I'm going to go enjoy 3 days of shenanigans and music. And other shenanigans. And more music.  

The buying of the phone was done in minutes. I got a case and a glass protector shield because yes you should. Boom. Done.

And then, the data transfer started. 

It said it was going to take six hours. 

Oops. Oh no. No. I offered to take them home and do the six hours. 

Because I'd already paid, and the phone was being traded in, it couldn't leave the store. 

"Well, maybe it's a lie," Sam the sales kid said. "Sometimes, it says like 2 hours and it is done in 15 minutes. Maybe this is just an over estimate. Want to come back in an hour?"

I went to target and got a few things, Doug had suggested cluck pucks parmesan for dinner, so sure, yeah, no problem. And I prevented myself from buying all the junk food and sweets that my brain was telling me it wanted. 

Home, dinner in the oven, eating, done, back to store. 

Nope. 2 hours left but hey, it was less than 6 hours. "Maybe it'll be done by the time the store closes?" I asked. Three guys said sure. 

I went for a 25 minute walk and got completely bored with the mall. My haircutting place was gone, replaced with some weird perfume store. I headed back to wait. My sales guy's manager came out and said "it says 47 minutes. I'm sorry."

"You do not have to apologize," I told him. "Tell me, what time do you open?"

"10am," he replied. 

"Great. I can do work tomorrow that does not involve the phone. I can tell my team I can't 2 factor into the helpdesk, and have them cover me for a little bit. There are things I can do that don't involve the helpdesk. I can proofread that help document. I can read some slack messages that contain some big code snippets to see what's up with an error someone is experiencing. 

We have an 10:30am team meeting, and if I'm late I'm late. 

Everyone else is late or misses things and I never do. Heck, I almost didn't leave to take my phone over to the mall. I wanted to leave so much earlier, and because of work, I didn't leave until 4:30. Had I left at 2 when I wanted to, hell. I would have my phone now. I owe myself just this. And I'm glad it is tonight instead of tomorrow night because I'd be panicking about how we were going to be leaving and I didn't have my phone. 

It's weird to not have a phone. Really weird. I can't play my games, I can't text my cousin who texted me right before I left the house and I thought for sure I'd be able to text him tonight.  Oh well. 

Freedom? Maybe? 

No picture today, because... phone.


exercise: 12/12 hours. 25 minute mall walk. 8k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 171
4:30pm: 120
9:30pm: 168


12:30pm: Metformin; 2 eggs, spinach, red onion, goat cheese, dash of colby jack. Was supposed to be an omelet but it failed into a cheesy scramble
6:30pm: 2 chicken patties covered with sauce and cheese
9:30pm: metformin+jardiance (forgot to take with dinner)
10pm: peach

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