Wednesday, August 14, 2024

More Hummingbirds than Mosquitos This Year

Last year when we were here, Lin was eaten alive by mosquitoes. This year it has been very light on the blood suckers. C has a set of hummingbird feeders and we've been obsessed with watching them. So cool! 

Pictured here is our flamingo stolen reclaimed from OTO, and you can see a hummingbird on one of the feeders. I have tried countless times to catch one in flight. With my camera phone it is just not possible. So we watch and enjoy. 

For those of you who don't know or who have forgotten why flamingos and hummingbirds are a thing, Guster's album Keep It Together has a hummingbird on the cover, and the new album has flamingoes. 

So the question is, are you Team Mingo or Team Hummer. But in my mind... Can't you be both?

Anyway, we are relieved to have so many hummingbirds and not as many mosquitoes. 

C left at 5:45am today to go to the airport to go on her trip. I miss her. And miss my gargoyle.

We have a day with overlap with her friend B and B's 3 schnauzers. 

Lin and I went out to dinner. C left us gift cards to go to Exeter but we ended up going down the street to the Holy Grail. We've been there a number of times in the past, it's tasty and good. And quick. We were home fast, and at 8pm, ready for bed! 

B and the Schnauzers got here right before we left for dinner, so we got acquainted. And I had cuddle time with one. Lin had cuddle time with another. They bark a lot. 

Our plan is to leave tomorrow morning. Both of us will briefly check in with work stuff and then hit the road. We'll Covid test again before we leave... hearing more and more people we were in close contact with at OTO are reporting Covid. Fingers crossed we can skate through, and be able to see mom. But hey. If we have to stay in our hotel room until Sunday and order delivery from The Nines or something, I guess we will. 

Jess didn't reply to my texts today until 4pm. They slept all day and went back to sleep. The thing that bums me out is that I knew we'd lose C this morning to her trip but Jess was going to come up and work from porch with us today and they didn't get the chance. 

After B went to bed, I sat in the porch just relaxing, listening to the crickets and sounds. Wishing Porch Life could last forevz.

Anyway. Here is my sister with a schnauzer with bangs. Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours. no exercise. 5500+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 168
4pm: 161
9pm: 158

noon: mimosa; metformin
1pm: triscuits+cheddar; rotisserie chicken slices
5pm: mixed greens salad w/poached pear, goat cheese, etc. seafood trio (haddock, shrimp, scallops) some mashed potatoes w/cabbage & onion
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance
wine w/diet ginger ale & sugar free lemonade

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