Thursday, August 29, 2024

New TV

We went to Best Buy today to drop off the laptop. Doug asked me to come with him because I speak geek. Once upon a time, I could do hardware support but so much has changed in 20 years. But I still held my own with Peter, the kid behind the counter. 

Doug thanked me for coming with. Big satisfaction. 

We came home with a brand new Roku TV. 

Now, the last 2 big screen TVs we have had were hand me downs from companies I worked for. This is honestly the first TV we've purchased since the giant SONY console box TV we bought when we were in our first house. That long ago. 

It was a snap to set up, Doug was gung ho about it. I let him have his joy. I wanted something larger, but he did a lot of measuring and this 43"  screen fits on the shelf, without needing an extra stand. I'm relieved about the sound. 

And the only downside is trying to remember passwords to all the streaming services we have. I have Hulu & Amazon and Doug has Netflix and our Roku account. so after debating about who had what account, we finally got it all ironed out and logged in to watch things. 

The other TV went downstairs, and my next goal is to get it all set up to let Geoff watch TV and play games. 

My little Tidy projects has a direct need, now. 

We had a big thunderstorm that knocked out the power around 9pm while we were enjoying our new TV. boo. Well, eventually things came back and we had TV again, with a lot less stress auditorially. Is that a word?


exercise: 12/12 hours. No dedicated 10 because of the weather and not going to the gym. 6200+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:45am: 156
4:30pm: 146 
9:30pm: 179

10:15: 2 slices of 647 bread w/low sugar pb&j
11:30am: Metformin; ramekin of chicken salad
6:30pm: chicken fajitas (2) in small wraps w/ cheese, sour cream, avocado spread
7pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: the last of the ronnie trail mix

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