Saturday, August 03, 2024

Farmers' Market Day

We haven't been to the farmers' market all summer, which is so off brand for us. We talked about going repeatedly but .... never went. 

Last night I suggested it. Doug said alright. And then this morning I ended up sleeping. Of course. And of course he lets me sleep. Just like I let him nap in the middle of the day with no issue. Need sleep? Get it. 

I woke up at 9:50, in time to do my steps and not miss out, and we talked about going. 

"It isn't too late, you know," he said.

Well, some of the vendors are sold out and packing up when we get there late. 

"They'll be bringing extra today, I'm sure. It's that time of year. Get everything out there, now."

We got ready and went over at 10:30, and sure enough, he was right. The place was packed with shoppers too. I guess at 9am there are fewer folks, because we'd never seen it this very crowded. 

There is a (relatively new) meadery that had a tent set up, and Doug said he's been thinking we should take a trip up to their location in Rockville. Look at him, keeping secrets. 

One of our favorite breweries is also there every First Saturday of the month, so we were happy to see them offering a couple new brews. We've had just about everything they sell. 

Doug bought peaches, tomatoes (some as big as a baby's head), some strawberries at a "very, very dear price," but they were so beautiful and they taste so perfect. Sometimes you pay that price at the farmers' market. There is always a fishmonger, and we always look at his prices, and always walk away. I really would love some scallops on the grill but at $35 bucks a pound, I'm not getting scallops on the grill. 

I looked at some fresh cut flowers but didn't buy, I'll get some when I get back from vacation, as a treat. 

We got home and it was sandwich time. Grilled cheese with freshly sliced tomato on sourdough (added turkey to mine for more protein). Doug insisted that I put mayo on my grilled cheese because, as everyone knows, mayo against a gorgeous garden tomato with some salt & pepper cannot be beat.

So I did. And it was delicious if not just a little messy. 

He lamented we didn't put out a garden this year. Last year's garden was mostly eaten by Phineas. That little monster loved tomatoes on the vine and would go out and munch the hell out of everything. 

I had told Doug I didn't want to put in a garden unless we were using raised beds this year. I cannot stand weeding. I hate weeding. I hate sitting down in the grass, or kneeling, and pulling the monster tendrils of fucking WEEDS out of everything every couple of days. 

He argued with me.  I just shrugged and said "I'm not doing it this year. By August, I'm so over it and I hate it so no. You can weed every other day." 

Also, this new dog will probably also eat the hell out of everything growing in the garden so no. I'm not wasting money, time, effort at something the dog enjoys more than anything. 

So we didn't put in a garden. 

And here he is sadly eating some other farmer's tomatoes on his grilled cheese, full of regrets. 

Look, just listen to your wife, and you could be eating tomatoes out of your own damn garden. 


The tomato was delicious. 

Doug took a nap and I went to the gym. Linda talked to me on FB video and before I knew it, a half hour had gone by. We continued to talk, while I did 5 or so circuit room machines, and then I got bored. 

I went to the market next door because I needed milk, and wanted some mango juice for a marinade for the chicken thighs. A storm was starting to brew, and when I got home we opted not to grill. We had a heck of a giant storm, lost power two or three times but it came right back. 

All told a busy day. Quite ready to hit the hay at this point.

Here are a couple pictures. First is before the thunderstorm that came in, chilling with flowers and beer while Geoff made dinner. And bottom is one of the rainbows we got after. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 32 min. treadmill, a little over a mile. 8600 steps by bedtime.

blood glucose:

10am: 135
5pm: 144
10pm: 172


noon: metformin. Grilled Turkey & Muenster, fresh tomato slices, mayo, on sourdough bread
5:45pm: 2 frozen burritos w/ cheese/bean dip/sour cream
7pm: fritos+bean dip; metformin; 4 beers

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