Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Porch Life is the Best Life

When I went to bed last night, a very smol gargoyle was waiting for me. I turned the corner, and the wee beastie's ears were up, eyes bright, waiting. Come to bed, Yay! 

Ginny is the gargoyle. She is C's little French Bulldog, and I love her. And I think she loves me. She's very active and energetic, and last night we played fetch and keep away for a super long time. Tonight we did the same. C also has an English Bulldog who goes splat on the floor minutes after getting home, but not Ginny. 

I had to rearrange my ass a couple times because she kept anticipating where I would want to be. I was above the covers because I was warm, and at one point I felt her little nose booping the back of my thigh. Hey now, Gin. Buy me dinner first! So I moved and she followed. Contact comfort! 

C got up at some point and left, so Ginny went with her. I kind of wanted her to stay with me for the day. 

There is a set of hummingbird feeders out in the yard, and we've been sitting an enjoying them, about 10-12 of these little dudes zooming around an going crazy. Linda has a plastic flamingo from the weekend (long story, but in short, flamingos and hummingbirds are kind of Guster motifs, sigils, totems) so she put the flamingo out by the hummingbird feeders. 


Got a lot of work done, including a couple meetings. Porch life is awesome. 

Sara and Sean got home at about 2:30am Tuesday, left Portland at 4:30pm Monday and powered right through. Was happily texting with her at about 11pm last night as they were going into the homestretch. South Jersey to the house. Glad they got there safe. 

This afternoon, Jess and Sara both reported today that they have Covid. 


I ran out to Walgreens to get tests and masks, Linda and I tested negative but we're both wondering if we'll test positive by Thursday or something. I'm worried we brought Covid into C's life, very stressed out about all the work she and her crew need to do over the next few days and into next week. I thought about canceling the rest of the trip and flying home today but. We decided to stick around. 

I texted C to tell her we were negative and asked if she wanted us to clear out, and clean everything and she said no. 

She got home around 7pm, packed for the trip she's leaving for tomorrow. Her cousin came over to hang out. We had a good time chatting and deciding what clothes she should take for the fancy things she has to do. Lin and I are here tomorrow, all day, will retest and decide what we are doing for foods. Get some things for Jess. Thursday we motor down to mom. 

After a big music fest, it is always fun to go through the photos everyone posts. Here are a couple shots of me and my friends. Happy and joyful faces. Thanks to one band that makes us all very happy.

Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours.  no dedicated 10. 5700+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 176
4:30pm: 140
10:30pm: 180

noon: metformin, some more chicken and artichokes out of the chicken piccata 
1pm: plain greek yogurt w/blueberries
6pm: spinach and chicken salad; metformin+jardiance
7pm: slice of carrot cake
8-8:30pm: big chunky hard pretzel bits
9:30pm: a little more salad lin couldn't finish

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