Monday, August 19, 2024

Waffles and Mimosas

Slept pretty decently, once I fell asleep. I had a hard time. I was hungry and should really have gone to Wendy's or something but I didn't want to eat at 11pm. Brain just swirling, and it was so late I didn't want to have any zquill or anything, lest I not want to wake up. 

I woke organically at 8, alarm was set for 8:04. Got clothing on, went down for coffee. When traveling with Linda, she smokes so she's up before me most of the time, and goes downstairs. She brings back coffee and makes just enough noise to wake me up. Over the last week, I woke up every day after breakfast was over in each of the hotels we stayed at, so I got no waffle. 

Until today. 

The breakfast area was hopping but no one was at the waffle maker. I took this as a sign from God. I made a waffle. There was a young tween boy there trying to figure the waffle maker out, so I educated him on how to waffle. Eventually his mom came over and bossed him around but he and I looked at each other knowing how wonderfully he got it. 

Upstairs, shower, email, pack. Repack. Forgot to put on deodorant. Unpacked until I found it. Okay alright okay alright, found it. 

Clean and shiny, off to the airport. The hotel has a shuttle. Had I known that last night I would not have paid 25 bucks to go around the corner in a taxi. "you should have called the front desk!" the shuttle driver said. "Why weren't you just driving in circles between the hotel and the airport last night!" I replied. Ugh.

Anyway. Full of a waffle, I got to the airport at 10:30, through security in 10 minutes. Back to the restaurant of yesterday. Done. Boom. Mimosa, 1, 2, 3. Did a little work. Got a message from my manager asking me if I was working, slack indicated I was on but my email out of office and calendar were OOO. Meanwhile, ya gurl had written up the Adventure from yesterday and put it in slack for my team. I guess I didn't email him directly or text or call... so he was confused. 

I ended up taking the whole day off because I just couldn't. I really couldn't. Could not deal with work stuff mentally, and just wanted to give it a rest. I did not 100% go on vacation, and I really should. So today, the sign from God at the waffle maker and the extra day off due to not my own fault of things, well, obey the signs.

We were online to board and they asked for volunteers to take a bump. I ran over to the desk. $800 in vouchers and guaranteed seat on another flight today, hell yeah. I'm in no hurry. They needed 4 volunteers and I was fifth in line. Dang. 

Onto the plane. I bought a mimosa for me and the girl next to me, who was a very nice young woman from Wisconsin. We had a lovely chat for the time we were up in the air. 

No turbulence, no nonsense, up and down in about an hour and 15 minutes. Literally the best trip. 

When we landed, I went to baggage claim and walked laps while waiting for my luggage. Managed to get a good walk in, so I'm on a streak this week for walking! 

I'm kind of glad I didn't take the bump because I have 3 other friends up north trying to fly south, in Manchester, Hartford, and Boston. They're delayed or canceled today. So yeah. Very glad I didn't get that opportunity. 

You all know I'm super flexible, but to be honest, I just wanted to come home. Just get home already. Very happy to see my dog, and she was happy to see me. Doug brought her with him to the airport. I was slightly disappointed because I wanted him to take me out to lunch, but, the joyful enthusiasm of her in the car when she saw me, and the love and affection she gave me when Doug put the window down, hell yeah. All worth it. Better than $800 in flight vouchers. 

Doug went to the market at about 4, and he got stuff to make this nice little creamy pasta dish that he discovered a couple months ago, and I asked him to add some chicken for some more protein. Can't just have pasta and cream sauce with mushrooms, ya know. Considering I did pretty well with my diet for several days, gotta keep the trends going. 

Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours.  23 minute walk in the airport. 8500+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 165
4pm: 133 
10pm: 163

9am: waffle, bacon
11am: Mimosa; metformin
6:30pm: chicken and pasta w/shrooms, cheese, peas in a creamy sauce; metformin+jardiance
8pm: ramekin of trail mix

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