Thursday, August 01, 2024

Small Things

Toffee and I were walking around the yard  this afternoon, and she sat down, and just stared at me. And then looked at the ground, and back at me. I walked over, and looked at what she was trying to alert me to. 

There was a dead bird in the grass. And Toffee wanted me to know. Hi. Look here. Dead thing. 

She wasn't rolling in it or doing anything but wanted me to know. And I appreciate that. I'll clean it up in the morning. I didn't want to deal with it just then. It kind of made me really sad.

I swear my dog is just the sweetest thing on earth. How am I this lucky that this big giant bean is so kind and gentle? 

Geoff got home from work and he was mad because on Wednesday he'd bought 2 small packages of ground beef and I used both of them last night because they're so small.. He intended them to be used for burgers AND nachos. 

So we had an argument about how 2 small packets of ground beef don't make 5 cheeseburgers and an entire tray of nachos. He bought enough ground beef for himself to have 2 dinners. Not for all 3 of us to have 2 dinners. 

He saw the error of his ways and decided to go and buy more ground beef. Thanks. I was willing to grill sausages or chicken thighs, in fact, those just sounded nice. But. He wanted burgers, and even though he was mad that I used both tiny packages for one meal, we talked about the benefit of buying the Family Size. Meat for nachos, burgers, and for mac & cheese and everyone lives happily ever after with one package of meat. Learn about how that works. 

I made tater tots and he made burgers on the grill. Doug woke up when we were just about done cooking. No walk for the dog, no inside walk for me. And more helpdesk tickets. 

Talked with Sara and Linda. Sara and I finalized what our Wednesday plan next week is all about. Ginger is not joining us in Maine this year, which is so sad, but, can't change what's going on. Linda and I talked about how I am now holding 3 show tickets AND the story tellers event ticket for Ginger... and I'll try to find takers. I'm not interested in making back the money or anything, I just hate for them to not go to use. 

 Feels like a Friday but I know it is not. Just a few more sleeps. We can do this. Yes we can. Unlike the little bird. Sorry, you sweet little thing.


exercise: 11/12 hours. Missed 2pm because I stopped in the kitchen to load the dishwasher and ran out of time. Think I fell about 30 steps short. 5k by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 177
5:15pm: 145
10:30pm: 189


10am: Everything bagel w/ cream cheese and turkey
noon: metformin
2pm: apple w/ peanut butter
6:30pm cheeseburger and tater tots
7pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: trail mix with almonds, raisins, chocolate chunks etc. (sorry blood sugar)
White wine w/ginger ale

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