Sunday, August 04, 2024

Plant Swap Day

Let me tell ya, kids. I'm so proud of us. We got up late this morning and both of us were in super lazy mode. I wanted to go to plant swap but signs pointed to us just lounging. And to be honest, I would have been okay with that. 

At about 11 I asked "is this what we're doing? I just want to make sure I don't need to shower or whatever." and he said "well, no. Let's get ready. Let's go." 

Plant swap runs from 1-6 and there were a lot of people there. Usually I just visit the free table to see what I can rescue. I did that today, and got some new medium sized pots and some free plants. We had fun visiting with the beertenders, and I got to snuggle with Kobe the 16 yr old sweetie pie who hangs out at the bar. 

We left to get home in time for me to DnD, only slightly late. It was a riot, so many laughs and great one liners. I got to tell my character's back story because we're about to venture to a place where I'm hoping that we'll run into people who did my entire family grievous harm. I think our DM is going to work up a side quest or make this information a big part of our quest. 

After playing, Doug was napping and I thought of going to the gym but waited for him to get up and grill dinner. We had a little storm come through that cooled things down a lot. And it was nice to just sit out and not sweat like I was going to die from hot. 

A great day, new plants, very happy. And only 3 work days until No Work Days.
Digits below. Here's me and sweet Kobe. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. No walk, i played DnD instead and then grilled and was not interested in going to the gym. 6k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

10am: 173
5pm: 183
10:30pm: 168


10am: everything bagel w/ plain cream cheese
1pm: tuna salad on one slice of sourdough
2-3:30pm: 3 beers at plant swap
7:30pm: 2 grilled chicken thighs, 2 fajita wraps (one low carb, one not) cheese, refried beans; 3 more beers
8:30pm: very nice peach
9pm: metformin+jardiance 

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