Friday, August 02, 2024

Big Friend

A week from right now we'll be finishing up night 1 of the Guster fest. And I'll be deep into my not being home stretch. 

At work I told my bestie that I was incredibly pessimistic about something, she told me I am not allowed to be. "You are hope, and I'm negativity. If you get pessimistic, I'm going to have to talk to my doctor and increase my medication." 

Okay. Alright. I'll stay hopeful. 

Anyway. I've waited all summer, all year for this time to get here. Not just Guster, but Carrie, and Jess, and Linda time, and my mom. And driving up with Sara, Sean and Henry. I need to develop our snack plan. And, not working. Some of it I will be working. But there are solid whole days where no one is allowed to talk to me except my work bestie and one other person because he dishes the hot goss and keeps me posted on shit.

I told a colleague that I've never felt more like quitting. Well, once or twice in ten years okay yes. But lately I feel it for real. 

He and I joke around all the time about how we're going to go work at Lowes, and monitor the self check out, and work in the garden department and help people find the on-sale marigolds. 

The last three weeks have been especially horrible. Not because I've done anything wrong. But it just is horrible. And I'm going to not work on my vacation, and see how it goes. And how I feel. I doubt I'll quit. I will enjoy my time off though. 

Last night Guster played at Red Rocks in Denver, Colorado. I lived vicariously through everyone's posts on FB and Youtube, checking the fan facebook page repeatedly overnight instead of sleeping. 

One of my friends took a picture of a bracelet I made last year, that she got from me at the Pittsburgh Symphony show when we met in person for the first time.  And it warmed my over tired and beat up little heart. I was there, one could say. I was there. 

And sadly, this year, I didn't make any bracelets. I have a few days. Ha. Maybe I can whip up a ton. But no. I ordered a bunch of flamingo necklaces to give to people at OtO, in celebration of the new Guster Bird. Keep it Together had a hummingbird, Ooh La La has flamingos. So people have jumped on the #teammingo idea. I'm team both. Gotta love 'em both. 

Anyway. It's late, I'm tired. I think tomorrow we are going to go to the farmers' market. Maybe take a walk. 

Just a few more sleeps, friends. We're on our way. 

Digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. no inside walk or gym visit. 5100+ by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 155
5:15pm: 141
10pm: 125


12:30pm: metformin. Grilled turkey & muenster on 2 slices of sourdough bread w/ 3 slices of bacon
6:30pm: 4 italian sausage links
7:45pm: Metformin+jardiance
white wine  & diet ginger ale


  1. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I am also in an "I hate everything job wise. 11 years in and I doubt I will quit either. tired. Looking forward to our shenanigans. Disconnecting even for a day or 2 from work. Although I am on "vacation" I still have to do things. Perks of being the CFUO and working remotely. Always on, never off. I am so looking forward to being with you. Being your stupid little sister and you let me be me with no expectations. I live for the moments we are together. You are and always have been my most favorite person on the planet. xxoo

    1. Well, we have each other to bitch to, and work together. We'll get stuff done. I have a meeting the monday we're checking out, so i'll get late checkout or something. Tuesday/Wed - work. Thurs drive to mom, work a little? Friday. Work. Saturday VEL'S!

    2. Anonymous6:30 PM

      I have to do payroll Monday so yeah,,late check out will be good
