Friday, August 30, 2024

Is It Me?

I have a really good friend. Friends for YEARS. Friends since before Geoff was born. We've always been close, except when they went through a divorce and shut down for a while. I understood that for them and let things be, although it made me sad they distanced me so hard. After a while though, we reconnected and things have been great. 

Except the past few months. 

They aren't replying to emails or texts. I called and left a voicemail the other day, no reply. Today I sent a text to them and their spouse, who I am also friends with. A little group chat. I'd read through the last bunch of messages we sent back in November and it was all fun and funny. 

Neither of them have gotten back to me. 

So now I'm worried. Like, did I fuck up? Did I do or say something wrong and they're not wanting to communicate with me anymore? This is so out of character for both of them, that I'm honestly thinking there is a united front of nope. 

Also, I'm worried that maybe there's something wrong there. Maybe, although never would have seen this coming, maybe there is a crisis there. And now I wonder if everything is bad or messed up. And they don't want to talk to me, like before? 

I can't speculate. I can only wait, I guess? I mean. Two people don't just vanish unless there is a reason. 


I am not usually worried about stuff like this. People ebb and flow, but having gone through some rough times with the friend in the past, I am flummoxed. Doug asked if I'd heard from them lately and I had to tell him no, not at all. 

I'm pretty bummed out about it. Should I be? I guess only time will tell, if they want to reach out, they will. 

The pickle ball is in their court. 

Work was pretty good today. I had a check in with my department head, and it went longer than usual because the meeting she had scheduled after me canceled. So she was good to gab. It was nice to catch up on things and get some low-down and insight into some higher level things that usually do not impact me.  We have a new CEO/President person and I asked for an update on how that whole relationship is working out for folks. Since I have no insight to her, I'm not in the building. 

We started working a little on this big project, I had some nice chats with participants on the periphery and got good feelings about stuff. Seeing as it is a holiday weekend, and I shouldn't do anything at all for this, I noted that there is a deadline for something that I need to turn in for September 4th, and I didn't start it yet, so, I may sit quietly and do it. 

When you don't have any distractions or demands, sometimes it is easy to use the quiet and do the things. When things are too chaotic and busy, I have a tendency to check out a little and .... not get as much accomplished. 

Because it is the Friday before a holiday, people canceled meetings and moved things to next week, so I found myself happily unbothered for the afternoon, and finished something that took one hour but I'd started it repeatedly. 

Sometimes I have better luck with that. One of my colleagues will turn off his email and slack notifications, tell us he is "heads down" getting something done, and he's gone for the day, off doing that thing. I can't quite do that. Maybe I could try? 

Anyway. Still confused over the friend thing. Sigh. 

Digits below. Here's a dog.


exercise: 12/12 hours. no exercise. 5300+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 156
5:30pm: 134 
10pm: 179

12:30pm: metformin; large salad w/3 strips of bacon, red onion, tomatoes, cucumbers, chunks of leftover fajita chicken, shredded cheddar, mayo
6:30pm: bowl of mac & cheese w/bacon and the fajita chicken
7:30pm: Metformin+jardiance
8pm: pita chips & hummus

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