Thursday, August 15, 2024

Try to bring home two brain cells

We ran some errands this morning, went to a bead store near C's place to see about beads and charms. I bought a few, and Lin bought a double dragon garden statue for her and Ronnie. Awwww. so cute. 

I mixed up a bunch of hummingbird feeder liquid (3 parts water, 1 part sugar!) and refilled the feeders. They were full of ants in the process of drowning so I was happy to save them. And then it started to rain. 

And rain, and thunder, lightning, rain. Damn. The porch was a delightful spot to sit in the rain, and I would have loved to just stay but we had a hotel reservation waiting for us. Pack it up, move it out.

We dropped some food off to Jess, since they have the Covid and shouldn't be leaving home. We had a brief outdoor visit and hit the road. Their roomie Liz can always pick up more food and things but Jess was glad to get our castaway foods.

I knew we would run into it, leaving their place at 5. I mean. I knew it. But boy did we ever run into it.

Traffic was extra super sucky. And it is great when you get to a sign that says X thing is 18 miles away and it will take 51 minutes. Waze took us off 95 to drive all around Lexington MA, through really nice neighborhoods and a lot of let hand turns (which, you know, I hate). 

The highlight was Linda and I both going "oh, look at that nice place, OH! look at your little stone wall you cutie..." and admiring all of the houses tucked into the neighborhoods we were detouring through. 

Even though that was fun, I was regretting all of this when we got back to 95 and it was just north of the service area by the Mass Pike. We got out and stretched, called Mom to tell her the GPS was still saying 2 hours out. Thankfully all the really bad rain and thunderstorms stayed away from us, and we could just ... make it in peace. 

At one point, Lin's husband called and was asking how we were doing. Doug never calls me when I'm traveling and when I call him, he asks "what's up?" It's always been a little weird to me. But also, okay. We don't need to talk every single day. Somehow Ronnie ended up saying the title of this entry, "Try to bring home two brain cells" after Lin said we've been surviving on no sleep an a lot of wine. In fact, maybe we don't have covid because of how much alcohol there is in our systems. Not me really, I haven't had a lot to drink necessarily, but it is funny to imagine somehow that we've staved off the Covid with wine. 

When we got to mom's it was a hair before 8pm, so she stayed up for us. Linda washed something, and mom wiped everything down because Lin left water drops on the sink. So we had our eye rolling and headed to the hotel. 

Getting to the hotel, we thought about ordering a pizza or something but it was so late. Bed. Bed is calling. We had some snacks, we were good to go. No pizza.

Tomorrow, we are bothworking in the morning, then lunch with mom at 1. 

She has changed her lunch time on us and acted like it's always been at 1pm when no, no it has not always been 1. Everyone knows Shirley o'clock is 1:45. So okay. 

We will pick her up, have the lunch, come back to the house, I'll continue working for a while, Linda will do Linda. 

This has been a fun trip. Lots of laughs and "oh! look at that paint job with the red and the yellow, so cute."

Digits below.



exercise: 11/12 hours. No exercise. 5600+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 159
xpm: n/a trapped in car
8:45pm: 195

noon: metformin
1pm: asian dumplings, chicken asiago w/penne pasta (ate more pasta than I should have)
9pm: some cheddar cheese, ritz crackers, pepperoni; white wine; metformin+jardiance 

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