Thursday, August 22, 2024

Wear the Two Dogs Out

I went into the office today because my colleague who lives in Denver was visiting. I intended to leave the house by 7, left a little bit before 8. But by some beautiful mercy it only took about 45 minutes to get here. 

Made it to work at the same time I usually make it to work at home when I roll out of bed at 8:45! 

We had a couple meetings and my work bestie and her son came to the office to visit before he starts school Monday.  A bunch of us sat on the patio and enjoyed the beautiful day. Absolutely stunning day. I headed home at 3, hoping to beat traffic and for the most part I did. 

Our neighbors with the puppy came over at 6:30 for a playdate and we talked about concerts and all sorts of things. The puppy is up to 30 lbs now, Toffee is 60. And because she's bigger she's also engaging a lot more in the fun and play, not just hiding under the chairs. They had a blast. I realized that I didn't take any pictures of them playing, and had regrets.

My neighbor texted me a picture of the pupper. Literally they walked in the door, she went to flop down and she passed out. I sent her basically the same picture of Toffee. 

A successful day all around! 

Digits below dogs.


exercise: 10/12 hours. Missed 4 and 5 because I was focused on working. No exercise today. 6200+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

7am: 143
4pm: 150 
10pm: 126

9:15am: protein shake
noon: roast beef & muenster on multigrain bread w/LTM; metformin
4pm: apple w/pb
6pm: 2 cheeseburgers and coleslaw
vodka & seltzer

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