Monday, October 24, 2022

To the Office, Again!

Today I went to the office, but I went in at 3pm.  Because I am a clown. 

I should have been there for an in-person meeting with the entire team on our project but I literally realized people were meeting in person when the coordinator of said meeting mentioned lunch will be provided in a meeting update. 


Lunch. Means people are going to be eating there, not that people will get a delivery from Wendy's in time for the meeting. Okay. I get it.

My boss is in town, he lives in Vermont has decided he'll travel down for things. He stays with a friend in DC, and I guess got here yesterday and had fun hanging around. He posted pictures from the office window, and I bet he's happy to be bumping around HQ. 

My intention was to head down later in the day after the meeting. Then do my 4pm mtg with a station in Boise and then go out with my boss and whoever else wants to come. He picked a place that does not have food, so I may have to stop at Harris Teeter by the office and get some cheese or something. 

Hmm. Anyway. 

It's kind of gloomy and rainy out, so I hope it doesn't rain on us. He wanted outdoor seating, and they have some covered, and a lot uncovered.  Hoping any rain holds off. 

It is very quiet up here, and if you sit still too much, the lights turn off. I kind of like it. And I wish they had not packed up my white christmas lights, because that would add some ambiance.

At one point, several co-workers came by this area and we had quite a gather. There were 7 of us, just chatting and catching up.

Wow. I didn't realize how much I missed some of these jerks. 

We had a nice night out. One of my coworkers got molested by a fern at the beer garden. Here she is: 


exercise: dedicated 10+22. broken up, of course, metro to office, around the office, through the neighborhood, from the metro to the car.....

blood glucose:
9am: 183
xpm-missed due to having fun?
9:30pm: 168

coffee, water
10:30am: mcintosh apple with peanut butter
12:15: 3 low carb wraps, with bacon, turkey, lettuce, avocado and mayo (the wraps are small)
2pm: metformin (thought i took it at 1 but it was sitting on the counter with the night time pills, doh)
5pm: beer
6pm: one buffalo chicken breast, a little coleslaw, some pickles; 2 more beers
9:45pm: 2 good cherry yogurt; ramekin of mixed nuts

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