Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Bracelet update

Took mom to lunch today because she was feeling super up to it. And she got to wear her fancy new bracelets. 

She couldn't wait to show them off to all her pals at the bar. She had to explain "Swirl" but everyone knew what Trouble was all about. 

Tuesdays is when these 3 women from Brockton come down to the joint, and mom wanted to see them. So I told her I'd take lunch, and bring her over. She was in her glory. Lots of attention and chatting, this person and that person.  It was a hoot. Linda came with us, and we had a time. 

Was so happy to have Linda join us too. She is staying at the hotel, and was working today. Awesome to have a time together at mom's familiar.

C had messaged me that she was having some rough times and I asked her to come on down. I couldn't imagine not seeing her during this whole two week Momstravaganza, so she did. She packed up 2 dogs, and a bag of stuff, and made a reservation at the hotel. She probably could have just stayed with Linz but they probably would have talked all night long! 

We were lazy and went to The 9s instead of going somewhere else. A lot of stuff in town is closed on Monday and Tuesday in the "off" season, and last week the one open place was jam packed, so I didn't want to risk a trip to come up with nothing. 

And I kind of didn't want to head back to mom's familiar where we had lunch! I was kind of actually super full still from lunch but had to eat. 

Lin and C have a lot in common - running their own businesses (well, Linda doesn't own the business she works for, but does all that money nonsense). It was interesting to listen to them compare notes. 

We went back to C's hotel room after getting the dogs from the car, where they were content just chilling while we ate. We took them for a little pee/poo sesh, and hung out in the room talking until 10. 

Getting back to mom's I was surprised to see her bedroom light still on. I pondered, oh crap what if she fell. Or whatever. 

When I came in she was putting the coffee together. I was surprised, since I've been doing that. She ground more beans, she did the dishes I'd left in the sink. She made a comment that could be taken as "snide" if one heard it this way: "I figured I'd do this, because it was getting so late and you weren't back yet, and I figured you wouldn't want to do this or you'd forget, so I just went ahead and did it."

Oh, okay. Like... I've forgotten to set up the coffee the night before .... ever? I let it slide but laughed. Well look at you go, lady. Look at you do the things. 

Must be them powerful bracelets. 

Anyway, today was a long day, started early with a propane delivery at 7:30am and I just basically started working. Aside from lunch it was non-stop. Luckily tomorrow there's a staff meeting, I can listen and pack/organize and be ready to go. 

Hard to imagine tomorrow at this time I'm home. Seems inconceivable. 

Here's a pic of C's lil' Frenchie! Digits below!


exercise 12/12 hours of 250 steps. No real dedicated 10 but got the dogs out a couple times w/C and Linda for extra steppies

blood glucose:

8am: 224
4:45pm: 181
10:30pm: 190


coffee, water 
8:30am: protein shake
noon: metformin
12:30: chicken sandwich, tomato, lettuce, american cheese, onion rings, mayo, ketchup
6pm (ish?): Popcorn, some pretzel bites in spicy cheese, large caesar salad w/steak tips (I guess 3 steak tips is ... plural steak tips but wow, 99 restaurant, that's .... not very generous?); Very Large Beer. Metformin+jardiance
through the evening: 3 truly seltzers, some chocolate covered cashews and almonds, a little bit of popcorn

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