Sunday, October 29, 2023

Semi-Alone Again

Doug left for his mom's around 11:30am today. The intention was to leave "super early" but that didn't happen, or 11:30 is super early, maybe. 

I woke up before 8 and thought it was way too early to be awake on a cloudy Sunday morning. I figured he'd wake up in the next hour, make a lot of noise, continue his packing and organizing, and I'd wake up. But he didn't start making noise until about 10:15, and that's what woke me.

I'm going to miss him a lot. We didn't do anything fun yesterday, like I'd hoped. Just laundry, cleaning, and searching for his coats. 

We took our own walks yesterday and he said it makes him sad that I don't go with him. I said I'll just slow you down, and you go too far, so I won't enjoy that. If you slow down and walk at my pace, it'd be nice but I don't want you to do that if this is your actual factual exercise. I should get better at walking as fast as he does. 

Back in Massachusetts, we'd go to the gym, and go on the treadmills next to each other. He'd do 3 miles to my 1.5 but we'd be together. Maybe I should suggest that again. It's not the same as a walk outside together but. It's something. 

He thinks he'll be up at mom's for 2 weeks, like I was at my mom's for 2 weeks. 

The good thing is Geoff is here with me. I sent him grocery shopping today, and while he was gone, I cleaned and reorganized the fridge. 

This was a little project I had on my mind, but my intention was just to clean it out so Geoff could bring home groceries. I started organizing things and looked at the glass shelving and said "oh jebus. oh hell no." 

So I took everything out, I cleaned all the shelves. The bottom of the refrigerator was kind of super gross, so I soaked it, and used a magic eraser, and it still isn't fully cleaned. But it is 90% better than it was without me using some sort of scraping tool. I swear. How does this happen? 


I kind of wish that the boys had done some cleaning while I was gone but I've learned to apply the quote from Gin Blossoms "If you don't expect too much from me, you might not be let down." 

I think during the day tomorrow, it's gonna be vacuum time which may most likely will turn into ... full blown mopping. My meeting schedule is super light, and I'll want to keep my brain and hands busy. 

Lin and I talked for like two hours tonight while I could have been doing things but I'm shagged out tired. Best part was when I heard her stomach growl through the mic on her headphones and we laughed. 


Well kids, I'm super beat. Here's a picture of the plants on the front step, and my confused rhododendron. 


exercise 11/12 hours of 250 steps. Slept through 9am. 10 min Pokemon walk, came home right as it started to pour.

blood glucose:

10:15am: 188
5pm: 216
11:30pm: 198


coffee, water 
11:15am: metformin
3:30pm: 647 english muffin with peanut butter (i should have eaten better during the day)
white wine (earned after cleaning that fridge)
6pm: shells, sauce & meat
8:30pm: protein shake

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