Wednesday, October 25, 2023

We're on our way home

C came over the house after checking out of the hotel this morning and brought the dogs. My mom was thrilled to have them over. It really warmed my heart watching her interact with the puppy, made me miss all of the dogs I've brought to her or had her visit over all the years. It was fun, and funny, and really a good time. 

Thank you C for bringing the "woo woos" over for her.

Reality hit around 12:30 as I realized I needed to get ready to go.

The amount of stuff I brought with on the way up with me was disorganized, thrown in the car in  canvas tote bags as if I'd be driving back home. Not flying.  

Luckily mom has an extra suitcase that is really big and awesome. Got 90% of my stuff packed in her big suitcase and my regular red duffel. 

I left a few things like my pillow and my winter coat. No need for those right now. It is going to be 80 degrees this weekend. I can get the coat later, and I have something else I can wear if push comes to shove.

When Jess went to Toronto last week, they got me gifties. A nice tote from St. Lawrence Market, magnets, and seltzers. I couldn't bring the seltzers on the plane, so there is now a Chrissie Corner in the fridge. Craft beer, yogurt, hummus, seltzers. All my jam. Something to look forward to when I go back. Also Linda is welcome to my hard seltzers.

Linda dropped me at the airport and it was very early. I found a little foodrinkery, and did some work for an hour and a half. Actual work. Proud of myself. Scheduled meetings, answered tickets, looked at something for QA. Then headed to the gate! 

Doug and Geoff came to pick me up, and we went out to dinner in Columbia at a place Geoff picked. 

I'm happy to be home in my house. Doug put one of my plants outside because he said it was filled with ants, so I think I need to do some serious repotting. When he was up at his mom's she made him take a plant that she said was not going to overwinter in her garage successfully. It is fantastic, beautiful, and I'm hoping that over the winter it stays in our basement happily, and we can get it growing in the spring here. 

The kitchen looks a mess, my plants need to be watered, but oh man, am I happy to be home right now. 

Here are some pics C sent me. 


exercise 11/12 hours of 250 steps.  Missed 6pm on the airplane.

blood glucose:

8am: 161
n/apm: n/a
11pm: 230


coffee, water 
11am: 2 good yogurt, metformin
4pm: 3 glasses pinot grigio, clam chowder, grilled cheese & bacon
8pm: big salad w/crispy chicken, 2 beers; metformin+jardiance
1 beer at home

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