Tuesday, October 31, 2023


My mother in law always called Trick or Treaters "Halloweeners," and I've forever found that endearing.  It makes me laugh, as I think of her not being home to give out candy this year as she's recovering in hospital. 

Thinking on you, Bon.

At 11 this morning, Geoff had put all the candy into the giant stock pot we use to hand out goodies to the halloweeners.

He was ready.

Today is also the day his former mama gave Phineas his birthdate. 

When she adopted him, she and her partner had no idea how old he was, they only had an approximation of a date. So they picked Halloween. I knew I would feel a little sad today thinking of him, and it didn't help that his old Vet's office sent out a happy birthday email to him. When we adopted him, she updated the mailing/email records and yeah. 

Here's two years ago, waiting for kids so he can sniff them.

It's kinda cold out this year, very unlike years past like 2018 when I was giving out candy on the porch in bare feet dressed as Linda Belcher from Bob's Burgers. yelling "Allllriiiiiiiight, Halloweenahs!" and drinking red wine from a glass. 

The parents all loved it - the kids were slightly confused but I was totally in character "ohhhhhhh, look at you, little spidey, spidahman, alllriiiiiight!" 

Usually we set the pit out, as you can see from this picture.  We get our lawn chairs, we welcome the haloweeners and their parents. We crank spooky music out of the windows. We have beers or ciders for the grown ups. We don't go bananas, we just make it ... fun. Fun is important. 

This year I was not feeling like getting it all worked up. With Doug out of town, and me feeling kinda worn out, to be honest, I just opened the gate and turned on the porch light. There were about 20 kids. A lot less than the past. 

It's okay, it's better than zero kids. 

Harry Potter/Hogwars is still really popular. 

We had one girl dressed up as a taco. I asked her if she knew it was Tuesday for Taco Tuesday and she and her friends laughed hysterically. 

I read an article about towns that ban older kids from Trick or Treating, kids older than 12. That's insane. 12 is like the BEST because you can go out with just your friends. Kids should be allowed to have some damn fun in this dumpster fire of a society. I don't care if they're 19, come up on the porch, say "Trick or Treat" or "Happy Halloween," and say thank you - you got my blessing. 

Suck it if you think otherwise. 

So endeth the lesson. 

I think next year, as long as the weather cooperates, we'll return us to our normal shenanigans. And who knows. Maybe we'll have a dog who likes to sniff the children. Maybe he'll like other dogs too? 

Then again who knows what'll be going on this time next year.  I have no idea. I didn't expect this year to be like this, ya know?


Anyway. Geoff and I coordinated accidentally for trick or treat time. I wore my fave Halloween shirt and Geoff put on his safety orange Carnifex t-shirt so we both came into the living room ready to welcome the weenies and laughed. I told him we needed a picture. 

Now someone tell me how I'm going to resist all this candy sitting here next to my face. 

Digits below. I suck at selfies.


exercise 11/12 hours of 250 steps.  Somehow missed 9am because i was distracted by work.
Dedicated 15. 

blood glucose:

10am: 191
4:30pm: 160
9:30pm: 190 


coffee, water
11:30am: turkey & gouda on 647 bread with bacon; metformin
2:30pm: 2good yogurt
6pm: metformin+jardiance. Beef Stroganoff w/ some egg noodles; a second bowl of beef stroganoff (I ate doug's portion) 
white wine

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