Friday, November 24, 2023

Chores and errands

For the first time in my natural born life, today, I used a leaf blower. If you know me, you know I am not a fan. I'm not a fan of the noise kind of like Doug does not like a vacuum.  Several times since I've been here, I've swept my mom's walkway to the car. Every time, it ends up looking like I've done nothing within a few hours. 

She was talking to her neighbor the other day while he was mowing the leaves, and said that "No one had cleaned up her parking area yet." After I'd told her I'd get to it. C'mon lady.

Her neighbors do so much for her, I didn't want her giving him the impression she wanted him to do it. But her impatience with things is infuriating. Lady, I told you I'd do it. I had to work all week. It's dark at 3:50. So I didn't get to it yet oh. my. god. stop. 

So today was the day. 

There is a leafblower on the porch, electric powered. I told her I was going to use it and she was incredulous. "oh it is so heavy, don't do it." I'm like .... LADY I can lift a leafblower do you want this done or not. 

It is not heavy at all. I did the walkway, blew everything onto the grass in a ridge. 

I moved the cars and blew out the parking area, and used the leafblower in there. But couldn't get a lot of the leaves to jump the retaining wall up onto the grass for me to add them to the ridge. 

Her neighbor, Mike, on the other side said we're not supposed to blow the leaves into the wooded lot but, a lot of people do. I said mom told me that isn't allowed and "I obey her." He thought that was hilarious. As we're not allowed to put the leaves in the wooded lot across the street, even though, to be honest, 90% of what I cleaned up came from there (most likely), I asked Mike what I was supposed to do with things and he said to "bag 'em up, and stick 'em" by his truck, he'd drive them down to the yard waste dump area the community provides. 

Oh. I need bags. Guess I'm going out to get bags. I opted to not go out this afternoon after doing all the leaf blowing, because lazy and also because Black Friday. My mom's friend told us that the places were all mobbed and crazy crowded so I didn't want to deal with any of that. I put the bags on the back burner.

He asked me about a cover for the air conditioning unit. He showed me his, and asked if my parents covered theirs. She said there was a giant piece of plywood that dad used to put on top, so the neighbor and I found it and topped the system. He said we should put a tarp over it but my mom had said no - there's a vent that blows out of it, and we don't want that blocked. His AC unit isn't the same so he understood. He helped me get the plywood on, and we're all set there.

So. Bags, and a little more clean up tomorrow. I have a feeling I may need gloves. It's gonna be chilly! 

I then spent 2 hours of my life on the phone with Verizon trying to get a technician to come and fix her messed up phone line. We know what is wrong. It isn't her phone. It's an issue outside the house and we know it is because it only happens when it is raining. The TV and internet are not impacted. Just the phone. 

Can you people trust me, I'mma good troubleshooter.  

The first guy ran a diagnostic, and after 40 minutes I disconnected and called back. Got a different girl who said the guy was trying to call me over and over. I said, we have call waiting - it didn't ring through. So. What can we do to stop this nonsense and move on with our lives. 

She called my cel number and had me hang up the landline, re-ran the diagnostic, and confirmed the issue is the line to the house. 

Thank you. Thank you for my two hours when all I wanted was a guy to show up. 'preciate it. 

Agent coming Monday morning. Thank Goodness. 

Mom didn't want to go out tonight, and I wanted to check Jess into the hotel before they got there. I got snacks and wine for them for when they arrived. They were having a 2nd friendsgiving, so it would be late for them coming into the area. After getting Jess checked in, I ended up swinging by the foodrinkery to discover mom's friends there, and they welcomed me into the fun circle for laughs and drinks. I had some buffalo fingers and got some scallops to go home - a way lot more scallops than I expected. voof. 

Jess texted at about 9:30 to let me know they'd made it to the hotel. I thought about going over but meh. So tired. And Jess I'm sure is tired after the long trip. We will hang tomorrow. 

Got the coffee set up, and did more steps in the house. Ready for bed and tomorrow, for Jess and some more yard work, and cleaning the interior of mom's car as I've been planning to do for weeks.

Here are some pictures, evidence of the awesomeness of the leafblower. Digits. Below.


exercise12/12 hours of 250 steps.  not a real dedicated 10 but 2 hours of yardwork should count. 7100+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

10am: 210 (taken after coffee, but I didn't eat anything else)
5pm: 178
10pm: 215


coffee, water
12:30pm: metformin
1:30pm: plate of left over turkey, and a biscuit, w/mashed, dressing, and gravy. 1 beer
3pm: several cheese cubes
6pm: metformin+jardiance
6:30: buffalo fingers and a beer
8pm: scallops and a beer

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