Monday, November 13, 2023

Dentist Day

I had a dentist appointment today, we're walking distance (10 min) from the office so I make my appointments in weather windows of not horribleness. There was a lot happening at work, so  I didn't leave the house though until about 7 minutes before the start of the appointment so I had to hustle. 

I got to the intersection before the big street and there were cops and firetrucks everywhere. Someone had either had a medical emergency, or more likely lost control of their car coming around the bend, so there was a little car up in the grass in a yard, against a tree. No sign of an occupant or anything. 

An interesting sight to say the least. 

Got to the dentist 2 minutes late and he was still with another patient. We went over things, I have some fillings he wants to redo, he said it is obvious my flossing is better but it could be more better (yes of course). 

I told him I was inspired to be doing a better job with my own teeth. I told him about my mom, and how she doesn't wear her dentures on the bottom, she said they don't fit well. She won't go to the dentist to get things refit. She will put food in her mouth and let it dissolve (like cheesey poofs) because she can't chew. My teeth, well, I'd like them if I'm 80. 

He told me he thinks I have a little bone loss around my molars but we'll check in 6 months, and to keep doing the flossing! 

Walking home, the accident was gone, and the internet told me that it was the result of a high speed chase with 4 teens and an adult in the car. Into my quiet little neighborhood. huh. Someone in the neighborhood took pictures and posted them to Nextdoor. A little bit more exciting than what I was thinking it would be and I'm glad no one seems to have been injured, just arrested. 

I took a picture of the accident but it probably isn't appropriate of me to post. Digits below. 


exercise 12/12 hours of 250 steps.  10 min walk to dentist, 15 min walk home the longer way, approx 7k steps at this writing

blood glucose:

8:45am: 174
4:30pm: 145 
10pm: 133


coffee, water
10:45: Peanut butter toast on the whole wheat seeded bread
11:30: Metformin
4:45pm: left over mac&cheese w/spicy taco meat
6:30pm: left over chili; metformin+jardiance
7:45pm: PBJ sandwich low carb bread & low sugar J
8pm: 1/2 sleeve of Ritz crackers

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