Monday, November 20, 2023

Mini Vacations and Burnout

I promised my mom we'd run some errands today. My morning was busy, so I told her after my 1pm meeting was over we could go out. 

She came down the hall at 1pm, coat and purse in hand and I was slightly incredulous as I was talking to the team. She asked "are you talking to yourself" while I was on the call, so finished what I had to say, and I turned my camera off, muted, and said "no, I was talking to my team. I'm in a meeting,  I told you I'll be done at 1:30."

"Oh, so we're not going?"

"no. I told you after my 1pm meeting I'd be able to go. It is 1:05. I'm in. my. meeting. right. now.

She threw her coat on the back of the dining room chair and plopped her purse on the dining table, like I said "fuck you we're not going ever" or something. 

I finished my call, and needed to check in with my work wife for a pulse check from some of the nonsense I listened to at that meeting, and was done with said nonsense related to work at 1:40. 

I went down the hall to get her. Ready to go. Let's Fucking Go.

She's like a fucking toddler sometimes. When I tell her "after xyztime" she's like 20 minutes before that time is even started and it is time to go. 

No, c'mon lady. 

I said "I have a meeting at 1." That does not translate to 5 minutes past the start of that meeting is time to go. Even when I say "at 1:30" no. 1:05 pm is not when we go. 

I just can't even sometimes. I find I cant tell some of my clients XYZtime because they think that something is going to be ready for them 15 minutes before that time. No. Guarantee you won't have it until 15 minutes after the expected and announced time. Just. Like. No. Come on, it isn't going to be in your hands before the time, always after. And my mom is like my clients. 

We went to both of her banks. We went to pay her life insurance at JC Penney. She mentioned that she needed to stop at the liquor store for a small bottle of the Bailey's strawberry and cream to bring to our thanksgiving dinner. I asked if she wanted to stop right then and she said no, she had to pee so she wanted to go home. 

Okay then. 

I dropped her home and then said I needed to fit in my dedicated (at least) 10 and got my walk in. Mostly, because I needed a break from her. She was fussy at both banks, she was fussy at JCPenney. She was just argumentative, and ready to go with anyone who would cross her.

I recently had to watch a training on LinkedIn and it was about Burn Out, and how to deal with it. The woman in the interview said to schedule "Mini Vacations" for yourself. In the middle of the day. After a wildly crazy meeting or call. Between meetings. Just "go on vacation" for a little bit. 

So I basically have been taking this to heart lately. Normally, I don't shower before I start to work. I wait to between 11:30am and 1pm,  I usually do not have any meetings during that time slot, at least nothing I need to be on camera for. So that's when I've been showering. 

And that is my "mini vacation." So I had showered this morning, but this walk was my vacation. 15 minutes of vacation. From the nonsense of work and from driving miss daisy.

There are a couple things I have set up to make for dinner, but I'm missing one ingredient here or there for each of them. Shit. So I know I need to run out to the market, bit couldn't be arsed right then, so I guess I'll go tomorrow. 

When I looked at the dinner situation and sighed, I decided I wanted to take myself to the Foodrinkery and get chicken parm, bring the pasta back for her, and just take myself out, another mini-vacation. 

Since she didn't want to go out and it was 6:30pm, it was just me. Out. A nice hour out at the restaurant, I( ate the chicken parm, had two beers, and came back.

She didn't really want the pasta, but will have it tomorrow. For dinner she had a pbj, and we sat at the dining table and talked about Jimmy Carter and his wife. 

It was a challenging day. But two little vacations and a nice walk and I survived.

I talked to Doug for an hour tonight, and he is still trying to decide what to do for him and Geoff for Thanksgiving. I think he misses me. 

Here's my face, sad at going for a walk, without C and the dog. It is hard without a friend and a small dog that is adorable. 

Digits below. 


exercise 12/12 hours of 250 steps.  Dedicated 10 plus. about a 14 minute walk, would have been longer if not so cold! 7200 approx steps for the day.

blood glucose:

8am: 175
5pm: 143
10:45pm: 215


coffee, water
10:15am: english muffin w/2 tiny wee sausage patties and american cheese (too lazy to make that egg!)
11am: metformin
3:45pm: 2 good berry yogurt
6pm: metformin+jardiance
6:30pm: chicken cutlet parm, no pasta. 3 beers
9pm: cheese squares and mixed nuts; 2 beers

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