Monday, November 27, 2023

Sushi and Moon

You get a bonus post tonight because I don't want to forget this and the other post was getting too long. My friend Alex invited me out to dinner. He lives near Providence, so when Linda or I are here, he makes a point to connect with us. He's so sweet. Making sure we get some grown up time that isn't Momther Time. 

He thinks it is hilarious when we make fun of her. We both do this voice and we knock him on his ass. It is actually very funny, if I say so myself.

We met Alex because of Guster and have been to so many good shows with him. He's lovely. What a good human. And that's what I love about the vast majority of friends I've made through Guster shows. They are just good humans. 

I told Alex we needed a "Make Linda Jealous" Selfie, so we went outside on the beach behind the restaurant, we liked all the hanging lights all over the area, and I can just imagine how crazy this place is in the summer.

He got this shot, with the moon. She's photobombing us. How sweet. Hello moon, good night moon. 

I also wanted to mention that I ate sushi. I don't like sushi, for the record, but this was some sort of little mostly-rice roll, with avocado and pickle and tuna. I would call this beginner sushi for anyone who was maybe interested in trying it. The sushi chef came around and gave everyone at the bar some. I'm not sure why the give-away, but he was super kind and friendly and I wasn't about to turn my nose up at it and say no. 

It was actually very very good. I told the bartender waiting on us to please go thank him. It was exceptionally kind. I think they have to or had to get rid of things by the end of the night, so their loss, my gain? I'll look at it that way. 

If you know about sushi and maybe know what this is, let me know. I'd order it again. 

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