Sunday, November 05, 2023

Feeling crummy on a pretty day

The Clock Change always does something to me. 

I got plenty of sleep, since this is my favorite one of these, the "fall back" time. One would think I'd be all set and good to go when waking up at 8:45am but "really" it is 9:45. But no. All day I felt lethargic and achey. It was a beautiful day, I mean, extra beautiful. And here I was feeling like an absolute slug. 

I futzed around the house, did some vacuuming. Geoff raked, and I did a couple things outside too but went back in to lay right back down.  

We were going to go into DC to the favorite brewery plant swap, but I just couldn't motivate myself. Thought a shower might wake me up, so I got ready. But the motivation just wasn't there. And then it was close to 3pm, knowing that it would be pitch freaking dark by the time we left, I suggested to G that we go to a different brewery that just opened recently in downtown Silver Spring. He didn't know about it and was surprised. So we pondered, but decided we'll go another time. 

He was feeling equally unmotivated to go as well, it seems. 

I took a nap while he was at the market getting a couple things we really needed in order to make dinner happen tonight, and planning for tomorrow. Feels like a wasted day. 

I noticed we have a lot of pantry pests flying around the kitchen, and opened the top cabinet to look in. My next project this week is gonna have to be emptying out the pantry and cleaning it completely. Those little shits got into something, and I will end them. Just, not tonight. I still haven't gotten back down into the basement for more organizing. As much as I miss Doug, he can stay in Pennsylvania a couple more days longer so I can do my things. If I promise to do my things.

Here's a picture I took yesterday at Babycat Brewing. I usually don't have pumpkin beers but gave this one a try. It wasn't bad. And from me, that's saying a lot. I thought it was a super pretty shot.

Didn't realize how much of my reflection was in the glass! 


exercise 12/12 hours of 250 steps.   Dedicated 10 inside, and another 10 pokemon walk; actually jogged some of it, not sure what possessed me. 6100+ steps, not as good as my 7ks previously but happy I got 2 walks today.

blood glucose:

9am: 166
5pm: 130
9:30pm: 192


coffee, water
noon: metformin: big slice of leftover quiche
6:30pm: chicken parm 
6:45pm: metformin+jardiance
4 beers

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