Sunday, September 01, 2024

Is it a last gasp?

The weather looked very good today so Doug suggested we go far afield to a brewery we've had our eyes on for some time. 

Milkhouse Brewing at Stillpoint Farm, it took more than an hour to get there but it was well worth it. We brought Toffee with us, and I was reluctant to do that because she was batshit crazy and difficult to deal with when we last took her to a brewery. She behaved much better, even though she was somewhat annoying. 

We need to work on her chill. 

They have a little store with lots of crafty things and cheese, and fresh farmstand veggies. We saved visiting there until after the beer. I wish we brought a picnic, it would have been perfect. We each enjoyed 3 beers and the perfect weather. The breeze was lovely, it was hot and humid, but it was all perfect meshing together. 

We left with some cheese and tomatoes and some homemade cherry preserves. On our way to the car Doug reminded me that there is a great ice cream stand nearby, which I was already thinking about because yeah, thinking 'bout the thing you're not really supposed to have when it is a couple miles away and you know it... that is my super power. 

So we went. Got small cones. Reasonable. Was pleased my blood sugar was not 200-300 when I got home. 

All told a pretty great day. A lot of people call Labor Day the last gasp of summer, but here in Maryland I feel like we are hitting the good weather stride. I just checked the long term forecast and upper 70s all next week, we skip up into the 80s again, but honestly, this weather speaks my language. 

I'll still be wearing sandals and flip flops, and cropped capri pants, t-shirts... not like the absolute maniacs we saw today out in the world walking around in fleece jackets. The actual heck? It was 86 degrees. Stop it. 

Because something says something on the calendar, don't make it so. Don't give up your summer vibe, yo. 

Digits below.


exercise: 11/12 hours.  Missed 1pm in the car in traffic

blood glucose:

9:30am: 160
6pm: 185 (surprisingly not 200+ with the ice cream and beers!)
10:30pm: 189

11:30am: egg mcmuffin (at home) w/english muffin, one egg, one sausage pattie, 2 slices of american cheese
noon: metformin
beers at the farm
4:30pm: soft serve ice cream w/sprinkles
6:30pm: big giant cheeseburger w/ fresh sliced tomato, mayo, salt & pepper
7pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: ramekin of cheez-its and 2 more beers

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