Friday, September 20, 2024

Rainy Day Sleep In

C had an appointment this morning and took the dogs with her. I woke up to see her off and slipped back into bed. 

I don't get a lot of quiet solitude, and this morning it was raining hard so sleeping in the first floor guest room surrounded by the giant windows and trees, listening to the rain, it was just feeling like the right thing to do. I slipped between the sheets and went back to sleep. I woke up organically without an alarm at about 8:30, thought about just rolling over and snoozing some more but there was a day to seize. 

My former co-worker lives a town or so away so I'd reached out to him to see if he was around. He was. We visited for over an hour, and had a great talk about his new position at the place I used to work at with him, and how everything you'd hope would be different is often just the same. He was always my greatest advocate there. I treasure our friendship. 

And his dog is just so stupid cute. 

Then, a college friend lives in Dover, and last year I'd posted some pictures of paperweights that Doug's mom was giving away. So I volunteered to give them away. She liked them and I said "they are yours!" I've been holding on to them ever since.  Today was the day to meet and connect, and C came with even realizing that this person would maybe know her, maybe not, and felt weird, but we had tea and little cookies and a lovely chat.

After delivering paperweights, we were hungry. But knowing it was on the late side for lunch, and Jess was going to be connecting with me, we didn't want to eat a big meal. Off to Seacoast Soups! I had a big bowl of soup and a roll, and it was delicious. I'm now suffering because I'd like more soup. 

Their bathroom has the best wallpaper. 

I dropped C off at her office to do some more work and have discussions, came back to the cabin and the porch. And happiness. And quiet. It's almost fall. It is starting to do its magical thing.


exercise: 9/12 hours. 22min walk; 77k by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:45am: 164
xpm: x n/a
10:45pm: 187

didn't record food well today

Thursday, September 19, 2024

A big full day

Last night I slept with Ginny dog, who didn't wake me up to want to go out at like 7am which is usually when she does. Carrie came in at about 8:45 and got her to take her out because she was way overdue for outies. I thought about taking a picture of the light and the trees through her 2 ears at 6am when I got up to pee, but I just let the moment be.

We all got up before 9 there, had coffee, chilled on the porch. The only thing on the agenda today was that C had to take her English Bulldog to the vet today for a 3pm appointment, but we had a whole full 4 hours ahead of us to do things. We ran errands, first was breakfast in Exeter at the Big Bean cafe. I really like Exeter, it's a little crowded, hard to get around the rotary in town which isn't a rotary proper. Lunch was alright - her quesadilla was really rather greasy and we didn't understand why or how it would come out that way. My omelet was good, but the hashbrowns were burned. And that's okay, we don't have to eat those, and the burnedness helps not want them. 

Then, we paid one of her employees, went by some rental properties she owns to look at the progress on them. Went to the shop for a few minutes, and then Walmart because my reading glasses were busted and we needed milk for coffee. Then to the vet! Hoo has a weird toenail thing and an eye infection so he was getting all checked out. He is having surgery Monday on the toe, and we gave him eyedrops and cheese with meds. He is such a good bean. I love him. 

We headed back to the shop where I picked up my loaner car for the day tomorrow, and C stayed at the shop to chat with some staff. I got back here and literally passed out. So tired! Leaving the house is exhausting! 

I took a 90 minute nap, or so it seems, and when I woke up close to 7pm, C and her cousin were on the porch drinking wine and chatting. We decided to go to dinner at a chinese restaurant and it was pretty good. Probably too much sugar in the dish I had, and I should have taken the metformin+jardiance before leaving to eat. 

We were super close to 9k steps and decided to walk in the woods with the dog and flashlights but we only built up a couple hundred extra steps.

C went to bed early, and I sat to write this entry. And then I did steps to 10k just walking around the first floor. It was early enough, why not. 

All told, a great fun day. Here's me with dogs. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 34 minute walk to the end of the road and back. 10l+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 160
6pm: 146
xpm:  x took the reading shortly after the metformin+jardiance and it was jarring so leaving this one blank. 

noon: metformin, 3 egg omelet w/ shaved steak, goat cheese, peppers, rosemary, cheddar cheese. A few hashbrowns
7pm: chinese food, peking ravioli & general tso's chicken
9pm: Metformin+jardiance
white wine

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Come pick me up, I've landed

Title today comes from a very powerful Ben Folds song called Landed. After his divorce, well, this song speaks a lot. I think of it when I land at an airport. Yeah. Even if it isn't exactly the same

I had a busy day, and Doug got me to the airport in plenty of time. I had some food and got on the plane, and C was there to meet me.

There is nothing better than having your best friend being inside the airport waiting for you. 

Anyway. Long day today and I'm full of joy and happiness. Where did I pack my toothbrush?

Digits below my best friend Ginny, my favorite gargoyle, who is very happy I am ready to sleep with her. 


exercise: 11/12 hours. Missed 6pm due to be on the airplane. 91+ by bedtime

blood glucose:

8am: 203 (?)
5pm: 171
11:15pm:  217

11:45am: pbj on 647 bread; metformin
4:30pm: 2 beers and buffalo fingers at Firkins at BWI
on the airplane: one beer, a couple pretzel snacks
8pm: chicken asiago over broccoli instead of pasta; white wine
9:30pm: metformin+jardiance
white wine at c's 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Alarms Set

I fly Southwest a lot. As you know, when you fly Southwest you have to check into your flight 24 hours in advance. I've often forgotten to do so, or, forgot my password so I can't get on the App to do it. And I'm fighting with the technology right before it is time to do the thing. 

Once, Doug was driving me to the airport. TO THE AIRPORT and I was traveling for work, and couldn't check into the flight the day before. The fact that I was traveling alone didn't bother me, I was pretty okay with sitting in the last row by the bathroom, just get me on the plane. 

I was trying to check in with some random number on my email confirmation, not my flight confirmation. I ended up calling customer service on the phone, just to make sure I wasn't dropped from the flight for lack of checking in. 

I didn't know there was a Boarding Group D until that day.

I've gotten good at it over the last couple years. I set an alarm a minute before check in time, I try to make sure I log in earlier during the day, so I don't have to remember anything at the time of check-in. I do a print-screen of my boarding pass, in case there's something wrong with the App or trying to get internet coverage at the airport (ie: Denver. Hi I see you). 

This gets me excited and anxious. Ready to go. Ready. Let's Go!!!! LFG!

Noticed that I still had not unpacked from August, I got the suitcase out and threw it on the bed. Oh. There's my yellow blouse I like to wear to client meetings. Ha. I wondered where you were. Not sure if I'll check this bag and bring my backpackI don't need to do laundry but why not do laundry. 

Watching the weather forecast, a big storm is to the south of us and is expected to roll in here tonight and make a mess of tomorrow. I'm a bit worried about it, since leaving Providence RI in August storms resulted in my flight being canceled until the next day. 

Anyway. Super excited to go tomorrow afternoon. Getting through tomorrow's workday though that's the fun part! 

Didn't take a picture today but. Here's the digits. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 18 min. indoor walk. 6600+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 177
5pm: 171
10:30pm:  157

10:30: 2 left over grilled sausages w/a little sauce and cheese
noon: metformin
12:30pm: apple w/pb
6pm: large piece of chicken parm; metformin+jardiance
8pm: last of the candied nuts

Monday, September 16, 2024

Two More Sleeps

Looking forward to heading to NH and MA this week, got a lot done at work, really focused on a slide deck for a presentation we're doing on Wednesday. 

I had a half hour meeting with a client that I love, which turned into an hour because we just talked about great things and ideas about how we wish things were better in certain parts of our jobs. He's so sweet. And I love chatting with him. 


Doug took Toffee for a walk while I cooked dinner and I walked inside the house. I should have gone with, but I didn't feel comfortable leaving a gas stove on boiling a big ass pot of chili. Still, managed to squeeze in some movement. Not as much as I'd hoped, I should have pushed a few more minutes.

Tomorrow is busy for me, and I have to fold laundry and pack!

Off to bed. Last night I had heartburn and horrible dreams so here's hoping for a better rest! 

No picture. Just digits.


exercise: 12/12 hours. Indoor walk, 16 min. 6k by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 165
5pm: 130
10pm:  188

11:30am: english muffin w/roast beef and whipped cream cheese
noon: metformin
1:30pm: chicken salad left over
5:30pm: big bowl of chili w/ cheddar cheese, sour cream, fritos
6:30pm: jardiance+metformin
red wine+seltzer

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Hot Autumn

After yesterday's super long walk I kind of was in the mood for us to do something, but I forgot. It's football season. Doug slept in, and took a nap. And I took a 20 minute walk that my fitbit measured as 19. Guess the first minute wasn't fast enough for it to register. 

I set up a marinade for the salmon he bought the other day, and waited for him to wake up. He took Toffee for a good half hour walk while I futzed about. 

My sister and I started the morning with a patio chat. Nice enough outside and breezy, no real heat just yet. Not until... I went for my walk. We rearranged our hotel plans for next weekend so we'll head down to mom's on Sunday instead of a second day in the Beverly/Salem area. 

Better to go see mom than to hang out in the old home country. I've got a few people to say hello to while we are on the north shore, so I hope to fit folks in on one of the days. Maybe. 

Today was warmer than I wanted it to be, especially on my walk. I came back instead of doing a further loop because it was just a little too warm. But I'm glad I went. 

Seeing signs of fall starting to crop up around here, even though it was 85 degrees. 

Alright. More tomorrow. Off to bed!

Digits below.


exercise: 11/12 hours. Missed 2pm because I was goofing off on my phone and misjudged the time to get up and walk. 19 minute walk (outside while Doug & Toffee were napping), 6500+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 181
4pm: 165
xpm: 168

11:30am: metformin; tuna melt on 647 white bread w/muenster cheese
12:30pm: the rest of the tuna salad
6pm: large piece of grilled salmon and about 6 pierogis 
red wine

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The stars that shall be bright when we are dust

I took the title of today's entry from a poem, one line of it has been made famous by Peter Jackson's documentary in the title, They Shall Not Grow Old. The poem itself is called "For the Fallen," and I picked a different line for today.

Doug had wanted to head into DC to see the dedication of the World War I Memorial. Last night was the illumination night, and all weekend there were festivities celebrating this dedication. The memorial has been open since 2021, and before that there was a memorial there and it was called Pershing Park. As Mister History over there follows a lot of things, well, he was game to getting to go and see this.

We headed into the city around 4 which was perfect timing for getting down there. It was hot today, around 85 degrees, not nearly as horrible as it has been all summer, so today was lovely.

They had a wonderful band playing and displays of WWI memorabilia. We met a woman who is involved with a WWI restoration project of a building her grandfather worked on which is now being reassembled at the 29th Division Museum in Virginia

The sculpture is impressive. It is titled "A Soldier's Journey" and follows the story of a soldier who leaves home, goes through the horrors of battle, and actually returns to his family. 

When I saw this, I thought for sure that wasn't the father at the end but another soldier handing her his helmet. But reading about it on multiple websites, it turns out that's indeed him, returning home to her. 

I have to admit, thinking about her receiving her dead father's helmet kind of floored me. Reading what the story is here, with a happy ending as it were, well. That.

The anchors of the sculpture for me are the beginning where his daughter hands him his helmet at the far left, and at the end, the far right, he hands it back to her when he returns home. 

And everything in between is amazing. 

If you get to DC, of all the memorials, go see this one. 

There were folks dressed in reenactment garb from soldiers to nurses to dogs. I got a group shot of everyone but the professional photographer's strap was dangling down at the far left. I cropped it but I am not good on my phone with editing things out. 

As we were getting ready to go, I heard a young man with a French accent talking to a much older man in military garb. The younger man said "World War I is so often forgotten and overshadowed. This is a special place." And the older man nodded, he said "I have to admit, I know so little about World War I. Thank you for bringing me here today." 

That was very touching to me. 

They play Taps every night at 5pm there. Today they played Last Post and followed it with Taps. It was very beautiful. 

There are a ton of great websites, this one features an amazing drone flight around the memorial - go watch it! 

We walked around the Sherman statue, thinking that we'd go over and walk over around the White House but the roads are all blocked off, and it looked complicated. 

We were hungry. 

So we walked away and over to Capitol City Brewing. I remembered Linda and I ate there in 2019 in between 2 nights of Guster, and I was laughing thinking about that weekend's adventure with her. 

We crushed it with the walking today and I actually felt pretty awesome even when we got home. We were sitting in the restaurant and I asked Doug if he wanted to walk the 10 blocks to .... 

No. No he did not. 

What a day. Here are some pictures. Enjoy. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 2 good solid walks. First was 22 minutes (Metro station to WWI memorial and all around it). Second was 29 minutes (WWI Memorial walk around, and walk to restaurant). 11k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

10am: 187
3:45pm: 150
10:15pm: 165

11:30am: English Muffin w/pb and a touch of cherry preserves; metformin
3pm: handful of pepperoni
6pm: chicken piccata w/couscous, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, 2 beers; metformin+jardiance
8:30pm: ramekin chicken salad; a couple beers

Friday, September 13, 2024

Before she knew what beds are

Last night was rough. I didn't sleep well or much. It is kind of my own fault in some ways. Several days ago I ran out of Zzzzquil, so falling asleep is a challenge. 

Note to self, go to the store and get some. 

Doug also started listening to an interesting podcast called The Constant, which I recommend. His usual pattern is he plays one episode and falls asleep, and the sleep timer is set to turn off the podcast at the end of the episode. Most of the episodes are 10 or so minutes long, which is never enough, so now he sets the timer for an hour. And that sometimes puts us in the middle of an episode, and he's asleep. I get sad when I don't hear the end, and I don't want to play it on his phone lest he not know where things were left off (truth be told, he just replays whatever episode he last remembered hearing before falling asleep). 

I go in the guest room and pick up where it left off. 

I know it is bad form to confess this, but I skip the ads at the beginning of the episode. The volume of the ads is always twice that of the episode itself, which is infuriating. Thanks, Spotify, you jerks. 

Then, I'm awake, skipping ads at the beginning to get to the content. Sometimes there is a longer form episode, but it is too interesting to just fall asleep. So I listen to the whole thing. Sometimes I do fall asleep but wake up WHEN THE ADS START FUCKING SCREAMING AT ME AGAIN. Like that. 

Last night, I also had some wild muscle spasms in my feet. 

And the dog. I have got to figure out how to teach her to sleep at the foot of the bed, instead of up behind my head and shoulders. She also spreads. She melts. She's like caramel instead of toffee. She big. 60 pounds she big. She likes her half in the middle, and actually on my side. I got up to pee at one point and she was just horizontal across the bed, the entire bed. Moving her is a challenge. I imagine this is what it must be like moving a giant sea lion. I get her to sit up, then she won't move, then I'm trying to nudge, lift, cajole, and she is not participating. At all. 

I do love my dog. I love this monster. I will pat her and lay my arm across her like I'm sleeping with my partner or something - because she's that big and that high up in my bed. I listen to her snores, and sometimes the softness of them makes me fall asleep. 

Last night I took this, I have a nightlight in the bedroom and it was on, and just enough light to get a shot of her here. I ponder her nose, and think that the markings she has there are actually scars. 

Part of me wonders what her life was like before she was rescued. Before she found out what beds are. Before she knew what safe felt like. I think this is why she sleeps all up on top of our faces. Not only that but from what I understand that is a Staffie/Pit behavior anyway. 

Did she huddle with other dogs, hiding for comfort from the weather? Was there a bridge where they'd cram themselves into the space, bodies touching to be warm? Did someone feed the strays or was it all just dumpster and trash can surfing? What about the heat? DC is so hot. Where did they find water? Where are the other dogs she may have known? What happened to them? 

I run my fingers over her nose, just touching those marks. Saying little blessings, mantras of peace and love, safety and security. While begging her to move her ass just a little bit over to the other side of the damn bed.

digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. no walk today. 6100+ steps today

blood glucose:

8:15am: 171
5pm: 178
10:30pm: 155

11am: Entenmann's chocolate donut (damn you Geoff)
noon: English muffin w/pb
1pm: Metformin
6:30pm: pot roast a la Geoffrey w/ some chinese white rice thrown in (unavoidable)
7pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: cheez-its
no wine/etc

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Just tappin' into you to kiki

Oh boy did yesterday just get away from me. I realized at 10 I hadn't come in here to update the digits, and realized that I didn't start an entry. 

I usually begin my entries in the morning, get some stuff written down in the form of basic thoughts, finish up by bedtime. Sometimes that is all abandoned by the end of the day if something else strikes me, and I start over around 8pm. 

Yesterday though. Voof what happened

Today one of my colleagues messaged me, and I asked her what was up. She said "nothing, just tappin' into you to kiki" which cracked me up. I guess kiki is "hang out and chat" according to the internet. 

I'm hip to all the slang.

We had a good hang out and chat for about a half hour. Doug left to go to a doctor's appointment, and I told her I was going to use the time to vacuum while he was not in my space. She laughed and said since her husband's company ordered everyone back to the office if they were within 50 miles of one of their workspaces (they are) she's never had a cleaner house. 

"And, he gets home around 8, so I have everything clean, dinner is made, I get a nap. It's great. " Not to mention she's in Denver and works East Coast hours, so our 6pm is her 4pm. I do love her. She's sometimes not at work by 8:30 our time but I always cut her some slack, because I know she's working after 4pm her time. There's no time keeping here. But I do wish at 4pm most days, I could just close the laptop and be done. 

By the way, I never did vacuum but I did bring laundry downstairs and clean the dining table. So that's something, right?

Doug got home from the doctor's and I had just finished, gotten back to work. I took a solid half hour to just walk around the house moving things from one room to another, which sometimes is cleaning, other times is just making a mess for me to clean up in another room.  

 Geoff has tomorrow off, and he's been readying up a recipe to make for days. He needs three more things, and he has not gone to the right supermarket to get those things (dude, Go To GIANT and get the last three things! Capers are not a challenge!) 

So Doug, even though he was super tired, went to Aldi to get makings for French Bread Pizza. I had a piece and now feel like I am going to pass out. So many carbs. lol. 

Anyway, here's a picture. I sat outside today and worked. Until my neighbor's landscapers came. Jerks. There's an open chair there for ya, if you wanna come by.


exercise: 12/12 hours. 30min inside walk, started with just bringing laundry downstairs and then progressed... 8k+ steps

blood glucose:

8am: 160
5pm: 183
10:45pm: 177

10:30am: ramekin of mac & cheese w/bacon
11:30am: Metformin
12:30pm: 2 slices of multi grain bread w/pb & a spot of pomegranate preserves
5pm: Protein shake
6:45pm: Metformin+jardiance; slice of french bread pizza w/ pepperoni, fresh mushrooms, peppers, onions. 
8pm: ice cream sandwich
White wine

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Forgot to do an entry

Just digits today, friends! and they are below. 

Promising better tomorrow. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 17 minute toffee walk solo while Doug was shopping. 7k by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 155
4:45pm: 141
10:30pm: 160

11am: brekkie burrito. 2 eggs, 3 strips of bacon, mushrooms & spinach sauteed, shredded cheddar, salsa
noon: metformin
2:30pm: apple w/pb
6pm: 2 chicken cluck pucks w/ 2 slices of American cheese, a couple french fries.
7pm: metformin+jardiance
no wine or anything. too tired to create something

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

You robots are sounding more human every day

This morning, still not feeling 100% well, I thought about sleeping in but it is Trash Truck Rodeo on our street. We have several trucks that all show up around the same time, and because the side streets are very narrow, they spend a lot of time driving up and backing down, and turning around, and pivoting. 

What the city should do is on Trash day - you have to park all the cars on one side of the street so these dudes can do their job. Straight up - no beeping. 

So I messaged the team that I was on a slow roll to the day. My manager also isn't feeling well so he also said he was a bit funked up and laying low. We canceled our team check in, and another meeting I had this afternoon was bumped to tomorrow. Bliss. 

I got stuff done but just didn't interact with anyone. Oh I did have a side chat with a client because they wanted to share some scoop with me, spill that hot tea!

Before lunch, I decided I should revisit this problem logging into Hulu/ESPN/MyDisney/Whatever because I was that pissed off last night that I wanted to rev my own engine up again. 

I don't understand how the website for this particular product set has absolutely no link to a help/support center anywhere. Nothing. Nada. Zip. 

With a less angry mind and eyes, I decided to google that shit without typing "how the fuck do I get tech support for the goddamn disney platform, motherfuckers?" 

Chances are that would have yielded results. But I asked nicely. All the help center links pointed to Disney+ which I do not have a subscription to, but I figured I'd try. Nothing helpful in the help center documentation, so I went to the contact page. I didn't want the virtual assistant because I was virtually positive it would tell me it couldn't help me because I was asking about a different product/service. 

Begin A Chat with a service representative. Okay. I'll try that and it is probably also a Bot but one designed to read questions a little better. I was emailing, but the entire time my brain is doing Jennifer Coolidge in the Discover commercials. 

The question was asked. The problem presented. The agent looked me up, initiated the email for the password reset. I asked them to stay in the chat while I logged in. 

The place where I'd been getting hung up here was the verification code step. "Hi, we need to verify your email." Goddamn. You just sent me the password reset, isn't that verification enough, system?  "We are sending a verification code to your email address." Which you just emailed me at. Okay.

 And then we waited. I told the person this is not good, this is exactly where the wheels came off last night. I apologized for making her wait. Even if she is/was a robot. I'm sorry. 

The email verification code finally arrived after a few minutes when they and I were ready to give up. "You see how this is frustrating to a user, who just wants to watch Monday Night Football, right?" I asked the support agent. They agreed...I entered it, and the website didn't like it "Seems there's something wrong here... Request a new code?"

The person on the other end initiated another reset. We waited. Now I'm uncomfortable because this is taking so long. Oh! Here's the email and this time - the code works. What the hell. 

As Geoff says when I help him with things "Are you a wizard?" No. Sometimes the uncooperative tech cooperates and we win. 

I asked if I was talking to an AI bot or a human. They assured me that they are "super real."

Thank goodness for Super Real Laura N. 

None of this needs to be so complicated, and now I know why people I know, love, value, and trust don't participate in any of this nonsense with technology. But. For now. I know my password, I checked my billing information while on the site so my brand new credit card is on the platform and all set. And now we can watch some damn football. 


I took it easy all day and then around 4pm a lot of stuff bubbled up. Meg came over to play (with her human) and we had a wonderful time. I came back in and worked and worked after taking it easy all day. 

I feel like I get so much done after 6pm. 

Here's the only decent picture I got of Toffee and Meg. Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours. no walk today unfortunately; 6k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 165
4:30pm: 151
11:30pm: 140

11am: bowl of left over chinese food, mostly curry chicken & veggies, some beef with broccoli.
11:30am: Metformin. Bowl of chicken salad, no nuts or fruit available
through the afternoon - candied mixed nuts 
6pm: 3 grilled sausages w/sauteed veggies; Metformin+jardiance
White wine w/flavored seltzer
10:45pm: sliced turkey (needed some protein)

Monday, September 09, 2024


I spent a good part of today being mad at work things, and people, and finally made some headway with a big problem. I ended up with a pounding headache and a case of I don't give a shit, so I stopped working at 4. I told my team I didn't feel well, and I just walked away from the day a little early. 

Everyone on my team does this, I never do. I power through and keep working, but today I'm already over everything and done with it all. 

One of my big issues in life is passwords, and two factor authentication. 

Every day I have to deal with people who can't log into our systems. I also have to 2fa and log in, and then if I don't work often enough (like, if I'm in a meeting, I get kicked out of the products and have to log back in. 

And at home with our things, it's no fun either. Tonight, Doug was trying to log into watch Monday night football, and the account is on my Hulu and .... ugh, myDisney. ESPN is part of that package. God.

I don't remember my password, so I had to request a password reset. The email never came, I requested it again, it didn't come. and finally came but it was after 15 minutes, which, well. It expired. We ended up just going to bed.

He's mad, I'm mad, and I hate everything. Goddamn we just want to watch football. I shouldn't have to jump through these flaming red hoops just to access this stupid platform. 

So I'm cranky. And that's the entry. 

Digits below


exercise: 12/12 hours. 21 minutes indoor walk; 6200+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 154
4pm: 187
10:30pm: 187

12:30pm: metformin; 2 slices of multigrain bread w/peanut butter
a lot of candied nuts through the day
6pm: grilled chicken thigh w/mozzarella cheese, some tortellini ; metformin+jardiance
red wine

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Patio Life

I went out to the patio this morning. Complaining about the heat all summer means I am going to soak as much of that space in as humanly possible until it is too cold to sit out. 

To be honest, it was cold to sit out. 

I put on a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants, but didn't give up on my flip flops. 

Toffee came out with me, and last week she ran over one of my feet and clawed one of my toes. Today, same thing. 


Forgiveness. It's the risk one takes. 

Doug came out to join me at about noon. With a beer! I laughed, like "what is this, Brunch o'clock?" a reference to my sister's philosophy that if you're up for 2 hours, you can turn on the Brunch Clock and start drinking. 

He answered, "It's after noon, and it's game day."

Oh yeah. Football. 

The Steelers were actually on TV here, since the Ravens played Thursday and the Washington Team plays at 4. 

"I wasn't going to watch, but, it's the Steelers." 

Of course it is. And our new TV is very nice for the game. 

I sat out until it was almost game time, came in, and settled in with him to watch. He took a big nap, I did a bunch of work, including moving stuff around downstairs to undo some of the chaos that Geoff put into play (he dumped a bunch of shit in the storage room where I was organizing things previously). 

After his nap, he took Toffee for a walk while I was still making a tidy. I did a solid 30+min indoors that counted as exercise according to the fitbit. 

I grilled, sat outside until it got dark. Making the most of that outdoor space before it becomes unusable.

Digits below this picture of something I saw on our walk the other day that I loved.


exercise: 12/12 hours. 34 min. indoor walk. 10k+ steps by bedtime 

blood glucose:

10am: 212 (eep)
4pm: 160
10:30pm: 140

10am: protein shake
12:30: english muffin w/cream cheese and a bunch of turkey; metformin
1pm: small piece of 647 bread w/pb, splitting w/Toffee to give her meds
6pm: chicken breast w/ salad of spinach, cherry tomatoes, red onion, a little potato salad
7pm: metformin+jardiance
8:30pm: a cup or so of candied cashews
red wine and diet ginger ale

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Sitting in the Middle of Chaos

 This morning, we passed on the idea of going to a bluegrass festival nearby because the forecast was super grim. Anticipated front coming through, would drop the temp 20 degrees, bringing hail and thunderstorms. 

No one wants to be sitting in a field watching a banjo, mandolin, upright bass breakdown and have to evacuate. 

Doug also doesn't feel well today. I think we're both a little burned out. 

To be honest, I need a day to revisit the Doing A Tidy concept. Geoff took the dog for a walk and then decided he wanted to go to Target. He is out of toothpaste and used all our wee ones from the dentist. We needed laundry pods and dishwashing tablets. I wanted nuts for making candied nuts (like you do). 

He asked me what our plans were for today and I told him I wanted to tidy. I said he could be my helper down in the basement. 

He laughed and said "It's mission accomplished down there. I did everything already." 

"No, you set the TV up after you cleaned up your academic program remnants and threw some things out. The place is still a disaster down there. Just because you have a spot where you can sit and watch TV doesn't mean it is clean."

"It's good enough," he replied.

"Good enough isn't all the way right. Doesn't it bother you to sit down there in the middle of chaos?" I asked him.

Again, he laughed, "What, you talk like it is living in the middle east, in Gaza or something. It's fine." 

I guess we disagree, but I desperately want to get organized. So I decided to start with my room. I always always have laundry to fold. And I said I wasn't going to take pictures because I find it self-shaming. It's nothing like Doug's Aunt's house but good grief this could be much better and my level of effort won't have to be so high once it is done. 

Doug was napping in the guest room with the dog and I thought about going to the gym and started on the laundry, then got distracted by the kitchen and dining table. I unpacked 3 boxes Doug brought home when he was last at his mom's. Books I don't want or need, and a bunch of paperweights that have been sitting here in the living room. Paperweights I'd promised to a college friend. Found 'em. Packing them to go north in 2 weeks. 

When Doug woke up we decided to grab a walk even though Toffee had one earlier today. Doug walked a route he usually walks with an extra block thrown in. It wasn't bad. It had rained but the sun was out, so the roads were bright and shiny, and the heat was rising. Our walk took a little more than a half hour, it felt good to go and talk together. 

Geoff made dinner while we were out, so it was ready and waiting. Which was super nice. It's also nice because when he's hungry he takes the initiative to make the meals. 

Geoff is working tomorrow, the forecast is 72 and sunny. Maybe we'll do yardwork, or maybe we'll go somewhere and have fun if Doug's feeling up to it. 

Digits, below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 35 min. outdoor walk; 8600+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:45am: 180
4pm: 190
10:45pm: 196 (should have had a protein shake after the ice cream...)

11am: ramekin of mac & cheese w/bacon; metformin
5:30pm: 3 frozen burritos w/sour cream, cheese, salsa
6:15pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: some vanilla ice cream w/ defrosted strawberries
red wine+gingerale

Friday, September 06, 2024

Decidedly not a morning person

I think I've said this many times before. 

I am not a morning person.

Your girl just does not function well before 10am. I need coffee, I need to putz and putter. I just need to not dive in hard but dive in when ready.  

Last night's Emergency had me busy to 11pm. I missed the football game. I went to bed and heard Doug yelling things, but I fell asleep rather fast. Then this morning, my phone rang a little after 8am - and it was another emergency but for a different product. Great. I guess I'm up?

I called the client, got her story, told her I literally had just woken up. She laughed and I said "yeah, I'd make a rotten early morning DJ..." I told her I'd get coffee, dive in. And I did. And it was painful. 

By the end of the day, it still isn't fixed and it is happening to all the client sites. And it was a huge struggle to not lose my shit at one point around 3pm in a meeting. 

I anger walked/stomped in the house while Doug took Toffee out. I wanted to walk with him, but didn't want to if he was going on his usual really long walk. Turns out he came back after 15 or 20 minutes, took a short walk that I could have tolerated and gone outside into the world. I walked longer in the house. 

We ordered Chinese food, because neither of us felt like cooking. And when it arrived, I was still walking, and I walked while Doug & Geoff got their food. I went outside and walked around the house twice. I really should have gone on a real and decent walk. 

I got my food and got pinged by work from someone late to the game and discussion "Is this still happening?"

I literally almost screamed. They brought all kinds of suggestions that we'd already tried. I literally just thanked them, said "this is still happening and i'm not sure what to do at 6pm on a friday" and i closed my computer. 

The good news is I solidified my travel arrangements for a quick trip up to Massachusetts. We're seeing Guster on Sept 21st, so I'm going to spend a couple days with C, meet up with Linda, Ginger, Jess, see the show, take Ginger around to places like Salem (where she's never been) and we'll drive back to NY to fly home to the family. 

I'm fighting with the air bnb host that we were supposed to get a stay "any date, any time" with after cancelations and snafus, and he's pissing me off (I was in the middle of a discussion with him last night when the Emergency thing happened) so I'm right now ready to flip a desk. But. I've made the arrangements I need for this trip and I'm happy for that. 

And Guster played a show in Atlanta tonight, a friend was there live streaming from the front row, and let me tell you. At one point Ryan asked Adam how he was feeling on a scale of 1-10 and Adam said 8.9, I went into watching this stream feeling about 3.4. 

It brought me up to at lest 8.9 with Adam. Super thankful that she did this. A little screenshot grab from her stream. Just to say yay. 

Digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours.  25 min indoor walk; 7k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8am: 165
4pm: 141
11:45pm: 145

11:30am: giant salad with spinach, cherry tomatoes, avocado, goat cheese, bacon, red onion, mayo
Noon: metformin
4:30pm: apple w/pb
6:30pm: chinese food fest. stayed away from rice. focused on beef & broccoli; spring rolls, 3 pan fried dumplings, chicken curry
7pm: metformin+jardiance
9pm: large chunk of Gouda cheese
red wine + blueberry lemonade seltzer 

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Marigolds and Mushrooms

Last night Doug went to bed and I continued working until a little before midnight. My brain could not make work do thing, think brain go. I packed the laptop up, and looked into the bedroom. Doug was asleep, the dog was asleep, my brain was still spinning, realizing I left a thing off the spreadsheet. I wanted to go back and correct that but instead wrote it down. You need to stop obsessing on this spreadsheet. 


I wanted to listen to a podcast, so I headed to the guest room so I wouldn't disturb Doug and Dog. 

I think I heard 4 minutes of the podcast before I fell asleep fully. I didn't just kind of fall asleep, I woke up at 4 and wondered what the hell truck just hit me. Toffee was up against my back, so she found me at some point in the night, and I couldn't roll over so I had to just get up. Good thing too, go pee. 

Restarted the podcast and got to hear 4 more minutes of it, asleep again. 

I woke up organically before 8, which for me is weird. Up before Doug. Up before Toffee. Up before Geoff. I stayed on the bed a while, just thinking about the spreadsheet. 

Luckily, my colleague I'm working with starts work at 7:30 so she had time to look it over and approved of the work (I don't know that she has any idea how long that thing took me). 

We came outside to work today, me and Toffee. Another perfect weather day. 

And for a picture today....

Yesterday when I watered the plants, I noticed some shrooms growing in my marigolds. It was a perfect little cluster, and they were so cute, plump, shiny, that they made me smile. I decided this morning to take a picture. 

They changed a lot in less than 24 hours. Gross and shriveled, meh. Not so pretty. Amazing though how quickly they changed. 

Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours. 20 min indoor walk. 6500+ steps by bedtime (a work emergency sat me down for 2 solid hours so I didn't get to do night time wanderings.

blood glucose:

8am: 167
4pm: 125
10:15pm: 190

10:30am: english muffin w/pb and a little cherry preserves
noon: metformin
2pm: big chunk of havarti cheese 
6:30pm: mac & cheese w/hamburger; metformin+jardiance
10pm: big chunk of Gouda cheese

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Toffee's Christmas Morning Energy

Doug had to go to the office today. He got up at 7:30 with the dog, got her fed and outside, and he headed to the shower. Geoff let her in, and she was going absolutely bonkers, so I ended up ... Up.  Usually in the mornings she has a little nice energy burst, very happy to see all her people, but wow - today was next level energy from her. And this felt so extra early to me. So early.

I got out toys, and she chased balls and ran around the house, and tossed the stuffed animal carcasses around like a monster playing with the remains of its kills. Rawr! Doug was hilariously entertained by her frenzied action time, which he could hear while he was in the shower. 

"She's got Christmas Morning energy!" he exclaimed. Which I thought was nothing but perfect.

We've been giving her benadryl for the rash on her chest. I have to say she's unbothered by the rash, which is nice. I watched all kinds of videos of dogs trying to scratch their itches in places they can't reach. And we continue to spray the spray medication on her chest, which she does not like. 

Since Doug went to the office, it was clean some things without him being in the way day. I stripped the beds and put the sheets in the wash. We had a bunch of damp towels from Toffee's bath the other day that needed washed. I had a list of things to grab and attend to, but, the project I'm working on had a piece move up for due date from the 18th to tomorrow, eep. Focusing on getting that done was a big challenge, and it curtailed some of the other things I wanted to do, like vacuum. 

Geoff got home from work and he & I made dinner, Doug didn't get home until after 7. I thought about taking Toffee for an actual walk, instead of just walking around the house outside and in, but knowing I have a deadline for something tomorrow morning, well, that kept me focused. I was happy to get the steps I did. 

Doug is asleep on the couch as I write this. I dressed the bed, and got all the laundry up from the basement. I usually have Geoff do this because walking up and down the stairs holding a basket of laundry but I did it all today. Be proud of me. 

I'm staying up late (it is after 11) to get all the way through this little part of the project that had the deadline move.... I wouldn't do this if my WorkWife didn't ask me. She starts work at 7 so I want this DONE for her ... and I'll be online after 9 tomorrow. 

Part of me wants to take an anxiety walk but.... I will just drink lemonade and vodka until I can fall asleep. I need to go to target and get zquill..... that makes a world of difference in falling asleep for me. But right now, Toffee is out cold with her head under my lap desk, Doug is over there snoring, and I'm going to post this and finish my project thing before I roll off to bed. 

digits below this wonderful picture of my lapdesk and well, my dog... 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 21 minute inside and outside stroll; 7700+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8am: 165
5pm: 142
10:30pm: 179

10:30am: english muffin w/pb
11am: metformin
1pm: bowl of yogurt w/blueberries
5:30pm: rosé (1.5 glasses filled with ice)
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance; sloppy joe mess from Aldi (pork and sauce) over left over peppers & onions, a couple french fries
8pm: potato roll w/pb (the sad lonely potato roll needed me)

Tuesday, September 03, 2024


It was such a gorgeous day, again. Today I sat out on the patio and worked before dinner. It actually was cool enough in the shade that I got a sweatshirt. 

And no, that's just plain lemonade. No additives until dinner time. 

I lit the citronella candle, for ambiance and to ... ward off the bitey bugs. I saw a news report that September is supposed to be cold in these parts, I hope it isn't too cold - that we get to enjoy the weather and outside before it is no fun. Toffee spent the day out with me, and we had a super nice time. 

We ran out of propane the other night, and I forgot. So I'd made a nice marinade and got everything ready only to have no fuel. Doug went out after a big nap and hooked us up. 

I think I officially spent more time outside in the yard today than most of the summer combined. 

Enjoy this picture of patio Toffee. Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours.  18 minute walk all around the house; 7k by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 171
5pm: 146
10:30pm: 141

12:30: metformin; english muffin w/pb (no preserves) 
7:30pm: grilled chicken thighs, avocado, chipotle corn w/beans, sauteed onions and peppers
8pm: metformin+jardiance

Monday, September 02, 2024

Bathed and Harnessed

Today was the winning day of the weekend. Perfect temps, everything lovely. We got ourselves pulled together by about 1pm and went to the pet store. 

Toffee has had a wild, bright pink, bumpy rash on her chest. Yesterday I noticed between her toes looked raw and red, too. 

She is absolutely unbothered, which is nice, but it is also like .... holy shit you're broken! Doug did some reading and Staffies and Pits are known for skin irritation and allergies. She probably has just been a little too much in the heat and dry grasses. 

We decided first step was an oatmeal bath. And we also got some spray to put on her toes and chest to help reduce the inflammation and annoyance. If she doesn't show some improvement this week we'll check in with the vet. 

So bathtime. 

It went very well. We used the tub, and on second thought probably should have used the utility sink in the basement. I thought she wouldn't fit but she might. She was so good, she sat when we told her to, and it was hilarious how water repellent she is! She was so patient, and didn't try to fight or escape. We were super impressed. 

We got her a reward for after the bath, well two rewards. One was a cute stuffed bat. It was 5 dollars, and we both knew it was not going to last long. 

Little did we know, it would be less than 40 seconds before she had the wing torn off and stuffing everywhere. Doug retrieved the squeaker so she wouldn't swallow it, and she proceeded to just shred the entire thing. 

I knew it wasn't going to last long but didn't really think she'd have it absolutely destroyed in under a minute. Still, a 5 dollar investment in absolute joy and insanity. She had the BEST time and was so happy. So it was worth it. 

We also got her a bag of super hard bone things, and it took her about 2 hours to cronch the whole thing up. It made a mess, so I was worried the freshly cleaned dog was going to be completely ruined, but it all worked out. 

I took a nap, I don't usually nap, but I really was feeling wiped after all our crazy fun and excitement. So I did the steps for 4 and woke up in time for 5. Big nap! I think Doug and Toffee napped in the guest room.

Finally, we got her a new harness. The one she came to us with has been rubbing under her armpits, or legpits? Do dogs have arms? Front leg pits, I guess. We wanted something that would sit a little further down her chest and got one that seems to fit fine. 

We took her for a test drive in the new gear. Geoff made dinner while we walked so that was nice. There's a little pocket dealie for poop bags, and another pocket for treats. She seems to like it just fine, and she walks like a champ.  

It was a pretty great day. Should have gone for a longer walk but it was all great. And my dog smells super nice now. 

Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours. 23 min outside walk w/Doug and Toffee. 7200+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:30am: 181
5pm: 115 (tested 2x. one was 105, one was 115. I went with the higher) 
10:30pm: 164

10:30: egg mc muffin, english muffin, sausage pattie, shredded cheddar, 1 egg
noon: metformin
6:30pm: fettuccine w/ meat sauce and 3 garlic knots; some beer; metformin+jardiance

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Is it a last gasp?

The weather looked very good today so Doug suggested we go far afield to a brewery we've had our eyes on for some time. 

Milkhouse Brewing at Stillpoint Farm, it took more than an hour to get there but it was well worth it. We brought Toffee with us, and I was reluctant to do that because she was batshit crazy and difficult to deal with when we last took her to a brewery. She behaved much better, even though she was somewhat annoying. 

We need to work on her chill. 

They have a little store with lots of crafty things and cheese, and fresh farmstand veggies. We saved visiting there until after the beer. I wish we brought a picnic, it would have been perfect. We each enjoyed 3 beers and the perfect weather. The breeze was lovely, it was hot and humid, but it was all perfect meshing together. 

We left with some cheese and tomatoes and some homemade cherry preserves. On our way to the car Doug reminded me that there is a great ice cream stand nearby, which I was already thinking about because yeah, thinking 'bout the thing you're not really supposed to have when it is a couple miles away and you know it... that is my super power. 

So we went. Got small cones. Reasonable. Was pleased my blood sugar was not 200-300 when I got home. 

All told a pretty great day. A lot of people call Labor Day the last gasp of summer, but here in Maryland I feel like we are hitting the good weather stride. I just checked the long term forecast and upper 70s all next week, we skip up into the 80s again, but honestly, this weather speaks my language. 

I'll still be wearing sandals and flip flops, and cropped capri pants, t-shirts... not like the absolute maniacs we saw today out in the world walking around in fleece jackets. The actual heck? It was 86 degrees. Stop it. 

Because something says something on the calendar, don't make it so. Don't give up your summer vibe, yo. 

Digits below.


exercise: 11/12 hours.  Missed 1pm in the car in traffic

blood glucose:

9:30am: 160
6pm: 185 (surprisingly not 200+ with the ice cream and beers!)
10:30pm: 189

11:30am: egg mcmuffin (at home) w/english muffin, one egg, one sausage pattie, 2 slices of american cheese
noon: metformin
beers at the farm
4:30pm: soft serve ice cream w/sprinkles
6:30pm: big giant cheeseburger w/ fresh sliced tomato, mayo, salt & pepper
7pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: ramekin of cheez-its and 2 more beers