Sunday, September 22, 2024

Dogs and Guster

Molly and Jess stayed at the cabin with us on Friday night. We stayed up late, drank a lot of wine, patted and cuddled dogs and eventually I folded into bed with the Frenchie and they took care of cleaning up and going to bed themselves. 

At about 6am, Ginny woke me, I think she heard someone upstairs get up to use the bathroom and thought hey. Time for me too! I had stayed up so late and didn't want to get out of bed, but she was ready to launch herself off the mattress so... save the dog and go outside. 

Cool, damp, fall, New England. I stood out on the step while she did her thing and listened to drops hit leaves and smelled the woods. We came back in, I tried to get back in bed but she wasn't having it. She went upstairs and woke other people. Made the rounds. C came downstairs and we started our coffee time. 

I knew this was going to be a long day and thought hard about getting to the hotel early to get a nap. Nap never happened. But the kids and I went out to lunch, and then returned the loaner car back to C's office for a quick hug goodbye. 

We got to the hotel around 4:30, checked in, and I got ready for the show. Jess and Molly dropped me off at 6 at the dinner spot for the meetup. About 20 fans were assembled, and we had drinks and nosh and fun. 

My friend Dave took Jess' ticket when they decided they weren't feeling like being in a crowded enclosed space. I'm very happy he came with. His first Guster show, and they didn't disappoint with an amazing set list

After the show the person who coordinated most of the gathering and the fact that Guster was even at this location set up a meet & greet. We got a few minutes with Adam Gardner,  quick selfie time, more hellos and hi howareyas with the other fans. And it was time we headed back to the hotel. Jess and Molly were still there just chatting and visiting. We also chatted and visited more. Linda passed out and we took our chatting and visiting down to the lobby to continue. 

Kids left at about 1, Ginger and I sat and caught up until almost 2. 

No nap but power day. Here are some pictures from Saturday. 

We slept in a bit, and packed ourselves up to go. Ginger wanted to visit Salem, MA. As a former area resident, I thought. Wow. That is the last place I wanted to go, but, I obliged. We got down there, and roads were closed and I couldn't just drive her through the middle of the city down Washington Street or something just to see the chaos. So we managed to get ourselves pointed back to Beverly. I reached out to my friend Amy, who lives on the opposite side of Salem to see if we could have lunch. Could she get around Salem easily enough to get to us. 

She was game, and we met up at the Anchor Pub. I'd actually never been there, even though they've been there 28 years or so. Lunch and company were both great. 

Amy suggested we try the MBTA parking garage if we wanted to go try Salem again. 5 bucks for 24 hour parking. 

Success. We parked, and headed into town. 

Salem is a giant tourist trap. It gets bigger, crazier, more chaotic every year. I used to work there at two different locations, long before the concept of work from home was invented. It was not fun. But people enjoy it, like people enjoy Niagara Falls. There are a lot of different flavors of tourist temptations, and Ginger had a good time shopping and window shopping. We walked up and down East India Mall, and then down to the Lobster Shanty, a great little dive bar of excellence on Artists' Row. We weren't super hungry after having a big lunch but we needed a rest and snack. 

On our way back to the parking garage and to head down to mom's. We got down here around 7:30, a littler later than we'd thought but to be honest, being able to have that opportunity to get into Salem and make Ginger's day was a big score for us. Yay! 

Sunday digits

exercise: 11/12 hours. lost 6pm due to traffic; 8500+ by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 175
xpm: n/a no afternoon opportunity 
9:45pm: 208*
11:15pm: 150

9am: 2 sausage patties w/ scrambled egg and shredded cheddar
11:45am: Metformin
1pm-ish: chicken cutlet sandwich, cup of clam chowder, coleslaw 
4:30pm: some french onion dip and potato chips
9:45pm: Metformin+jardiance
9:45pm: 2 cheese sticks & snack container of roasted almonds (see blood sugar reading above).

Saturday digits

exercise: 12/12 hours. No measurable exercise but yes rockshow movement. 10k+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8am: 160
5pm: 189 
xpm: n/a didn't measure before bed

noon: metformin
1:30pm: pear & goat cheese salad w/chicken on top
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance; 5 pork dumplings w/hoisin sauce, 1 beer
11:30pm: burger from wendy's & some fries
1am: 2 small titos+diet tonic

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