Friday, September 06, 2024

Decidedly not a morning person

I think I've said this many times before. 

I am not a morning person.

Your girl just does not function well before 10am. I need coffee, I need to putz and putter. I just need to not dive in hard but dive in when ready.  

Last night's Emergency had me busy to 11pm. I missed the football game. I went to bed and heard Doug yelling things, but I fell asleep rather fast. Then this morning, my phone rang a little after 8am - and it was another emergency but for a different product. Great. I guess I'm up?

I called the client, got her story, told her I literally had just woken up. She laughed and I said "yeah, I'd make a rotten early morning DJ..." I told her I'd get coffee, dive in. And I did. And it was painful. 

By the end of the day, it still isn't fixed and it is happening to all the client sites. And it was a huge struggle to not lose my shit at one point around 3pm in a meeting. 

I anger walked/stomped in the house while Doug took Toffee out. I wanted to walk with him, but didn't want to if he was going on his usual really long walk. Turns out he came back after 15 or 20 minutes, took a short walk that I could have tolerated and gone outside into the world. I walked longer in the house. 

We ordered Chinese food, because neither of us felt like cooking. And when it arrived, I was still walking, and I walked while Doug & Geoff got their food. I went outside and walked around the house twice. I really should have gone on a real and decent walk. 

I got my food and got pinged by work from someone late to the game and discussion "Is this still happening?"

I literally almost screamed. They brought all kinds of suggestions that we'd already tried. I literally just thanked them, said "this is still happening and i'm not sure what to do at 6pm on a friday" and i closed my computer. 

The good news is I solidified my travel arrangements for a quick trip up to Massachusetts. We're seeing Guster on Sept 21st, so I'm going to spend a couple days with C, meet up with Linda, Ginger, Jess, see the show, take Ginger around to places like Salem (where she's never been) and we'll drive back to NY to fly home to the family. 

I'm fighting with the air bnb host that we were supposed to get a stay "any date, any time" with after cancelations and snafus, and he's pissing me off (I was in the middle of a discussion with him last night when the Emergency thing happened) so I'm right now ready to flip a desk. But. I've made the arrangements I need for this trip and I'm happy for that. 

And Guster played a show in Atlanta tonight, a friend was there live streaming from the front row, and let me tell you. At one point Ryan asked Adam how he was feeling on a scale of 1-10 and Adam said 8.9, I went into watching this stream feeling about 3.4. 

It brought me up to at lest 8.9 with Adam. Super thankful that she did this. A little screenshot grab from her stream. Just to say yay. 

Digits below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours.  25 min indoor walk; 7k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8am: 165
4pm: 141
11:45pm: 145

11:30am: giant salad with spinach, cherry tomatoes, avocado, goat cheese, bacon, red onion, mayo
Noon: metformin
4:30pm: apple w/pb
6:30pm: chinese food fest. stayed away from rice. focused on beef & broccoli; spring rolls, 3 pan fried dumplings, chicken curry
7pm: metformin+jardiance
9pm: large chunk of Gouda cheese
red wine + blueberry lemonade seltzer 

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