Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Toffee's Christmas Morning Energy

Doug had to go to the office today. He got up at 7:30 with the dog, got her fed and outside, and he headed to the shower. Geoff let her in, and she was going absolutely bonkers, so I ended up ... Up.  Usually in the mornings she has a little nice energy burst, very happy to see all her people, but wow - today was next level energy from her. And this felt so extra early to me. So early.

I got out toys, and she chased balls and ran around the house, and tossed the stuffed animal carcasses around like a monster playing with the remains of its kills. Rawr! Doug was hilariously entertained by her frenzied action time, which he could hear while he was in the shower. 

"She's got Christmas Morning energy!" he exclaimed. Which I thought was nothing but perfect.

We've been giving her benadryl for the rash on her chest. I have to say she's unbothered by the rash, which is nice. I watched all kinds of videos of dogs trying to scratch their itches in places they can't reach. And we continue to spray the spray medication on her chest, which she does not like. 

Since Doug went to the office, it was clean some things without him being in the way day. I stripped the beds and put the sheets in the wash. We had a bunch of damp towels from Toffee's bath the other day that needed washed. I had a list of things to grab and attend to, but, the project I'm working on had a piece move up for due date from the 18th to tomorrow, eep. Focusing on getting that done was a big challenge, and it curtailed some of the other things I wanted to do, like vacuum. 

Geoff got home from work and he & I made dinner, Doug didn't get home until after 7. I thought about taking Toffee for an actual walk, instead of just walking around the house outside and in, but knowing I have a deadline for something tomorrow morning, well, that kept me focused. I was happy to get the steps I did. 

Doug is asleep on the couch as I write this. I dressed the bed, and got all the laundry up from the basement. I usually have Geoff do this because walking up and down the stairs holding a basket of laundry but I did it all today. Be proud of me. 

I'm staying up late (it is after 11) to get all the way through this little part of the project that had the deadline move.... I wouldn't do this if my WorkWife didn't ask me. She starts work at 7 so I want this DONE for her ... and I'll be online after 9 tomorrow. 

Part of me wants to take an anxiety walk but.... I will just drink lemonade and vodka until I can fall asleep. I need to go to target and get zquill..... that makes a world of difference in falling asleep for me. But right now, Toffee is out cold with her head under my lap desk, Doug is over there snoring, and I'm going to post this and finish my project thing before I roll off to bed. 

digits below this wonderful picture of my lapdesk and well, my dog... 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 21 minute inside and outside stroll; 7700+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8am: 165
5pm: 142
10:30pm: 179

10:30am: english muffin w/pb
11am: metformin
1pm: bowl of yogurt w/blueberries
5:30pm: rosé (1.5 glasses filled with ice)
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance; sloppy joe mess from Aldi (pork and sauce) over left over peppers & onions, a couple french fries
8pm: potato roll w/pb (the sad lonely potato roll needed me)

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