Monday, September 09, 2024


I spent a good part of today being mad at work things, and people, and finally made some headway with a big problem. I ended up with a pounding headache and a case of I don't give a shit, so I stopped working at 4. I told my team I didn't feel well, and I just walked away from the day a little early. 

Everyone on my team does this, I never do. I power through and keep working, but today I'm already over everything and done with it all. 

One of my big issues in life is passwords, and two factor authentication. 

Every day I have to deal with people who can't log into our systems. I also have to 2fa and log in, and then if I don't work often enough (like, if I'm in a meeting, I get kicked out of the products and have to log back in. 

And at home with our things, it's no fun either. Tonight, Doug was trying to log into watch Monday night football, and the account is on my Hulu and .... ugh, myDisney. ESPN is part of that package. God.

I don't remember my password, so I had to request a password reset. The email never came, I requested it again, it didn't come. and finally came but it was after 15 minutes, which, well. It expired. We ended up just going to bed.

He's mad, I'm mad, and I hate everything. Goddamn we just want to watch football. I shouldn't have to jump through these flaming red hoops just to access this stupid platform. 

So I'm cranky. And that's the entry. 

Digits below


exercise: 12/12 hours. 21 minutes indoor walk; 6200+steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 154
4pm: 187
10:30pm: 187

12:30pm: metformin; 2 slices of multigrain bread w/peanut butter
a lot of candied nuts through the day
6pm: grilled chicken thigh w/mozzarella cheese, some tortellini ; metformin+jardiance
red wine

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