Thursday, September 12, 2024

Just tappin' into you to kiki

Oh boy did yesterday just get away from me. I realized at 10 I hadn't come in here to update the digits, and realized that I didn't start an entry. 

I usually begin my entries in the morning, get some stuff written down in the form of basic thoughts, finish up by bedtime. Sometimes that is all abandoned by the end of the day if something else strikes me, and I start over around 8pm. 

Yesterday though. Voof what happened

Today one of my colleagues messaged me, and I asked her what was up. She said "nothing, just tappin' into you to kiki" which cracked me up. I guess kiki is "hang out and chat" according to the internet. 

I'm hip to all the slang.

We had a good hang out and chat for about a half hour. Doug left to go to a doctor's appointment, and I told her I was going to use the time to vacuum while he was not in my space. She laughed and said since her husband's company ordered everyone back to the office if they were within 50 miles of one of their workspaces (they are) she's never had a cleaner house. 

"And, he gets home around 8, so I have everything clean, dinner is made, I get a nap. It's great. " Not to mention she's in Denver and works East Coast hours, so our 6pm is her 4pm. I do love her. She's sometimes not at work by 8:30 our time but I always cut her some slack, because I know she's working after 4pm her time. There's no time keeping here. But I do wish at 4pm most days, I could just close the laptop and be done. 

By the way, I never did vacuum but I did bring laundry downstairs and clean the dining table. So that's something, right?

Doug got home from the doctor's and I had just finished, gotten back to work. I took a solid half hour to just walk around the house moving things from one room to another, which sometimes is cleaning, other times is just making a mess for me to clean up in another room.  

 Geoff has tomorrow off, and he's been readying up a recipe to make for days. He needs three more things, and he has not gone to the right supermarket to get those things (dude, Go To GIANT and get the last three things! Capers are not a challenge!) 

So Doug, even though he was super tired, went to Aldi to get makings for French Bread Pizza. I had a piece and now feel like I am going to pass out. So many carbs. lol. 

Anyway, here's a picture. I sat outside today and worked. Until my neighbor's landscapers came. Jerks. There's an open chair there for ya, if you wanna come by.


exercise: 12/12 hours. 30min inside walk, started with just bringing laundry downstairs and then progressed... 8k+ steps

blood glucose:

8am: 160
5pm: 183
10:45pm: 177

10:30am: ramekin of mac & cheese w/bacon
11:30am: Metformin
12:30pm: 2 slices of multi grain bread w/pb & a spot of pomegranate preserves
5pm: Protein shake
6:45pm: Metformin+jardiance; slice of french bread pizza w/ pepperoni, fresh mushrooms, peppers, onions. 
8pm: ice cream sandwich
White wine

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