Friday, September 20, 2024

Rainy Day Sleep In

C had an appointment this morning and took the dogs with her. I woke up to see her off and slipped back into bed. 

I don't get a lot of quiet solitude, and this morning it was raining hard so sleeping in the first floor guest room surrounded by the giant windows and trees, listening to the rain, it was just feeling like the right thing to do. I slipped between the sheets and went back to sleep. I woke up organically without an alarm at about 8:30, thought about just rolling over and snoozing some more but there was a day to seize. 

My former co-worker lives a town or so away so I'd reached out to him to see if he was around. He was. We visited for over an hour, and had a great talk about his new position at the place I used to work at with him, and how everything you'd hope would be different is often just the same. He was always my greatest advocate there. I treasure our friendship. 

And his dog is just so stupid cute. 

Then, a college friend lives in Dover, and last year I'd posted some pictures of paperweights that Doug's mom was giving away. So I volunteered to give them away. She liked them and I said "they are yours!" I've been holding on to them ever since.  Today was the day to meet and connect, and C came with even realizing that this person would maybe know her, maybe not, and felt weird, but we had tea and little cookies and a lovely chat.

After delivering paperweights, we were hungry. But knowing it was on the late side for lunch, and Jess was going to be connecting with me, we didn't want to eat a big meal. Off to Seacoast Soups! I had a big bowl of soup and a roll, and it was delicious. I'm now suffering because I'd like more soup. 

Their bathroom has the best wallpaper. 

I dropped C off at her office to do some more work and have discussions, came back to the cabin and the porch. And happiness. And quiet. It's almost fall. It is starting to do its magical thing.


exercise: 9/12 hours. 22min walk; 77k by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:45am: 164
xpm: x n/a
10:45pm: 187

didn't record food well today

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