Tuesday, September 03, 2024


It was such a gorgeous day, again. Today I sat out on the patio and worked before dinner. It actually was cool enough in the shade that I got a sweatshirt. 

And no, that's just plain lemonade. No additives until dinner time. 

I lit the citronella candle, for ambiance and to ... ward off the bitey bugs. I saw a news report that September is supposed to be cold in these parts, I hope it isn't too cold - that we get to enjoy the weather and outside before it is no fun. Toffee spent the day out with me, and we had a super nice time. 

We ran out of propane the other night, and I forgot. So I'd made a nice marinade and got everything ready only to have no fuel. Doug went out after a big nap and hooked us up. 

I think I officially spent more time outside in the yard today than most of the summer combined. 

Enjoy this picture of patio Toffee. Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours.  18 minute walk all around the house; 7k by bedtime

blood glucose:

8:30am: 171
5pm: 146
10:30pm: 141

12:30: metformin; english muffin w/pb (no preserves) 
7:30pm: grilled chicken thighs, avocado, chipotle corn w/beans, sauteed onions and peppers
8pm: metformin+jardiance

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