Saturday, September 07, 2024

Sitting in the Middle of Chaos

 This morning, we passed on the idea of going to a bluegrass festival nearby because the forecast was super grim. Anticipated front coming through, would drop the temp 20 degrees, bringing hail and thunderstorms. 

No one wants to be sitting in a field watching a banjo, mandolin, upright bass breakdown and have to evacuate. 

Doug also doesn't feel well today. I think we're both a little burned out. 

To be honest, I need a day to revisit the Doing A Tidy concept. Geoff took the dog for a walk and then decided he wanted to go to Target. He is out of toothpaste and used all our wee ones from the dentist. We needed laundry pods and dishwashing tablets. I wanted nuts for making candied nuts (like you do). 

He asked me what our plans were for today and I told him I wanted to tidy. I said he could be my helper down in the basement. 

He laughed and said "It's mission accomplished down there. I did everything already." 

"No, you set the TV up after you cleaned up your academic program remnants and threw some things out. The place is still a disaster down there. Just because you have a spot where you can sit and watch TV doesn't mean it is clean."

"It's good enough," he replied.

"Good enough isn't all the way right. Doesn't it bother you to sit down there in the middle of chaos?" I asked him.

Again, he laughed, "What, you talk like it is living in the middle east, in Gaza or something. It's fine." 

I guess we disagree, but I desperately want to get organized. So I decided to start with my room. I always always have laundry to fold. And I said I wasn't going to take pictures because I find it self-shaming. It's nothing like Doug's Aunt's house but good grief this could be much better and my level of effort won't have to be so high once it is done. 

Doug was napping in the guest room with the dog and I thought about going to the gym and started on the laundry, then got distracted by the kitchen and dining table. I unpacked 3 boxes Doug brought home when he was last at his mom's. Books I don't want or need, and a bunch of paperweights that have been sitting here in the living room. Paperweights I'd promised to a college friend. Found 'em. Packing them to go north in 2 weeks. 

When Doug woke up we decided to grab a walk even though Toffee had one earlier today. Doug walked a route he usually walks with an extra block thrown in. It wasn't bad. It had rained but the sun was out, so the roads were bright and shiny, and the heat was rising. Our walk took a little more than a half hour, it felt good to go and talk together. 

Geoff made dinner while we were out, so it was ready and waiting. Which was super nice. It's also nice because when he's hungry he takes the initiative to make the meals. 

Geoff is working tomorrow, the forecast is 72 and sunny. Maybe we'll do yardwork, or maybe we'll go somewhere and have fun if Doug's feeling up to it. 

Digits, below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 35 min. outdoor walk; 8600+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:45am: 180
4pm: 190
10:45pm: 196 (should have had a protein shake after the ice cream...)

11am: ramekin of mac & cheese w/bacon; metformin
5:30pm: 3 frozen burritos w/sour cream, cheese, salsa
6:15pm: metformin+jardiance
8pm: some vanilla ice cream w/ defrosted strawberries
red wine+gingerale

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