Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Home Home Again

Today's travel day was as perfect as could be. 

I woke up, had a super crappy "frittata" from the lobby starbucks, and chatted with C about her sweet Hoover dog who had surgery yesterday. 

I went upstairs with expensive coffee (not sure I'll stay here again, even though the hotel is super nice but. Meh on the no free coffee no free brekkie situation) and answered emails and checked out some things for work without being at work. 

It was suddenly 11am, shoot, and I thought about the treadmill but check out was noon. So I got showered, packed, organized, out the door, and over to Linda's to hang out for a little bit with her and the dogs. 

She took me to the airport, got there in plenty of time which is nice. MacArthur airport is super close to her house and has non-stop flights to Baltimore so it is perfect. I love it. In the door, bag checked, through security and sitting at the Blue Point brewing bar within 10 minutes. No lie. 

After she dropped me off, I missed her already. I missed C, I missed Jess and Molly. I missed New England. I missed everything.

I thought about doing a half hour of steps but it was nicer to just sit, and talk to the really nice beer tender about their Oktoberfest. It was time to go line up to board. 

From MacArthur to Baltimore it is literally up and down in less than an hour.  It is the best way to go from NY to home. Hell yeah. 

Doug was late picking me up but again, he had Toffee with him and that was hella cute. and traffic was hellish but we were approaching home right around the time Geoff got out of work. We offered to get him, because it was pouring rain. 

Family reunited. 

Geoff whipped up dinner, which was so sweet. He got the makings for just some tortellini with sauce and some fajitas. I'll make the fajitas tomorrow for us. 

This was a lot of fun, this trip. But I was very happy to sit on the couch, have Toffee snuggle up to me, and be comfy. So wonderful to be back with all the fun I've had over the past few days. 

Digits, below. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. no exercise specifically; 7700+ by bedtime

blood glucose:

9:30am: 181
5:30pm: 136 
10pm: 238 * 

10am: a couple bites of a sorry excuse for an egg white frittata, arugula+cherry tomato salad, 3 strips of bacon
1:30pm: 2 pints of beer at the Blue Point brewing in the airport
6pm: bowl of tortellini w/sauce
7:30pm: metformin+jardiance
4 beers 
10pm: protein shake

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