Tuesday, September 10, 2024

You robots are sounding more human every day

This morning, still not feeling 100% well, I thought about sleeping in but it is Trash Truck Rodeo on our street. We have several trucks that all show up around the same time, and because the side streets are very narrow, they spend a lot of time driving up and backing down, and turning around, and pivoting. 

What the city should do is on Trash day - you have to park all the cars on one side of the street so these dudes can do their job. Straight up - no beeping. 

So I messaged the team that I was on a slow roll to the day. My manager also isn't feeling well so he also said he was a bit funked up and laying low. We canceled our team check in, and another meeting I had this afternoon was bumped to tomorrow. Bliss. 

I got stuff done but just didn't interact with anyone. Oh I did have a side chat with a client because they wanted to share some scoop with me, spill that hot tea!

Before lunch, I decided I should revisit this problem logging into Hulu/ESPN/MyDisney/Whatever because I was that pissed off last night that I wanted to rev my own engine up again. 

I don't understand how the website for this particular product set has absolutely no link to a help/support center anywhere. Nothing. Nada. Zip. 

With a less angry mind and eyes, I decided to google that shit without typing "how the fuck do I get tech support for the goddamn disney platform, motherfuckers?" 

Chances are that would have yielded results. But I asked nicely. All the help center links pointed to Disney+ which I do not have a subscription to, but I figured I'd try. Nothing helpful in the help center documentation, so I went to the contact page. I didn't want the virtual assistant because I was virtually positive it would tell me it couldn't help me because I was asking about a different product/service. 

Begin A Chat with a service representative. Okay. I'll try that and it is probably also a Bot but one designed to read questions a little better. I was emailing, but the entire time my brain is doing Jennifer Coolidge in the Discover commercials. 

The question was asked. The problem presented. The agent looked me up, initiated the email for the password reset. I asked them to stay in the chat while I logged in. 

The place where I'd been getting hung up here was the verification code step. "Hi, we need to verify your email." Goddamn. You just sent me the password reset, isn't that verification enough, system?  "We are sending a verification code to your email address." Which you just emailed me at. Okay.

 And then we waited. I told the person this is not good, this is exactly where the wheels came off last night. I apologized for making her wait. Even if she is/was a robot. I'm sorry. 

The email verification code finally arrived after a few minutes when they and I were ready to give up. "You see how this is frustrating to a user, who just wants to watch Monday Night Football, right?" I asked the support agent. They agreed...I entered it, and the website didn't like it "Seems there's something wrong here... Request a new code?"

The person on the other end initiated another reset. We waited. Now I'm uncomfortable because this is taking so long. Oh! Here's the email and this time - the code works. What the hell. 

As Geoff says when I help him with things "Are you a wizard?" No. Sometimes the uncooperative tech cooperates and we win. 

I asked if I was talking to an AI bot or a human. They assured me that they are "super real."

Thank goodness for Super Real Laura N. 

None of this needs to be so complicated, and now I know why people I know, love, value, and trust don't participate in any of this nonsense with technology. But. For now. I know my password, I checked my billing information while on the site so my brand new credit card is on the platform and all set. And now we can watch some damn football. 


I took it easy all day and then around 4pm a lot of stuff bubbled up. Meg came over to play (with her human) and we had a wonderful time. I came back in and worked and worked after taking it easy all day. 

I feel like I get so much done after 6pm. 

Here's the only decent picture I got of Toffee and Meg. Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours. no walk today unfortunately; 6k steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 165
4:30pm: 151
11:30pm: 140

11am: bowl of left over chinese food, mostly curry chicken & veggies, some beef with broccoli.
11:30am: Metformin. Bowl of chicken salad, no nuts or fruit available
through the afternoon - candied mixed nuts 
6pm: 3 grilled sausages w/sauteed veggies; Metformin+jardiance
White wine w/flavored seltzer
10:45pm: sliced turkey (needed some protein)

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