Sunday, September 15, 2024

Hot Autumn

After yesterday's super long walk I kind of was in the mood for us to do something, but I forgot. It's football season. Doug slept in, and took a nap. And I took a 20 minute walk that my fitbit measured as 19. Guess the first minute wasn't fast enough for it to register. 

I set up a marinade for the salmon he bought the other day, and waited for him to wake up. He took Toffee for a good half hour walk while I futzed about. 

My sister and I started the morning with a patio chat. Nice enough outside and breezy, no real heat just yet. Not until... I went for my walk. We rearranged our hotel plans for next weekend so we'll head down to mom's on Sunday instead of a second day in the Beverly/Salem area. 

Better to go see mom than to hang out in the old home country. I've got a few people to say hello to while we are on the north shore, so I hope to fit folks in on one of the days. Maybe. 

Today was warmer than I wanted it to be, especially on my walk. I came back instead of doing a further loop because it was just a little too warm. But I'm glad I went. 

Seeing signs of fall starting to crop up around here, even though it was 85 degrees. 

Alright. More tomorrow. Off to bed!

Digits below.


exercise: 11/12 hours. Missed 2pm because I was goofing off on my phone and misjudged the time to get up and walk. 19 minute walk (outside while Doug & Toffee were napping), 6500+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 181
4pm: 165
xpm: 168

11:30am: metformin; tuna melt on 647 white bread w/muenster cheese
12:30pm: the rest of the tuna salad
6pm: large piece of grilled salmon and about 6 pierogis 
red wine

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