Thursday, September 19, 2024

A big full day

Last night I slept with Ginny dog, who didn't wake me up to want to go out at like 7am which is usually when she does. Carrie came in at about 8:45 and got her to take her out because she was way overdue for outies. I thought about taking a picture of the light and the trees through her 2 ears at 6am when I got up to pee, but I just let the moment be.

We all got up before 9 there, had coffee, chilled on the porch. The only thing on the agenda today was that C had to take her English Bulldog to the vet today for a 3pm appointment, but we had a whole full 4 hours ahead of us to do things. We ran errands, first was breakfast in Exeter at the Big Bean cafe. I really like Exeter, it's a little crowded, hard to get around the rotary in town which isn't a rotary proper. Lunch was alright - her quesadilla was really rather greasy and we didn't understand why or how it would come out that way. My omelet was good, but the hashbrowns were burned. And that's okay, we don't have to eat those, and the burnedness helps not want them. 

Then, we paid one of her employees, went by some rental properties she owns to look at the progress on them. Went to the shop for a few minutes, and then Walmart because my reading glasses were busted and we needed milk for coffee. Then to the vet! Hoo has a weird toenail thing and an eye infection so he was getting all checked out. He is having surgery Monday on the toe, and we gave him eyedrops and cheese with meds. He is such a good bean. I love him. 

We headed back to the shop where I picked up my loaner car for the day tomorrow, and C stayed at the shop to chat with some staff. I got back here and literally passed out. So tired! Leaving the house is exhausting! 

I took a 90 minute nap, or so it seems, and when I woke up close to 7pm, C and her cousin were on the porch drinking wine and chatting. We decided to go to dinner at a chinese restaurant and it was pretty good. Probably too much sugar in the dish I had, and I should have taken the metformin+jardiance before leaving to eat. 

We were super close to 9k steps and decided to walk in the woods with the dog and flashlights but we only built up a couple hundred extra steps.

C went to bed early, and I sat to write this entry. And then I did steps to 10k just walking around the first floor. It was early enough, why not. 

All told, a great fun day. Here's me with dogs. 


exercise: 12/12 hours. 34 minute walk to the end of the road and back. 10l+ steps by bedtime

blood glucose:

9am: 160
6pm: 146
xpm:  x took the reading shortly after the metformin+jardiance and it was jarring so leaving this one blank. 

noon: metformin, 3 egg omelet w/ shaved steak, goat cheese, peppers, rosemary, cheddar cheese. A few hashbrowns
7pm: chinese food, peking ravioli & general tso's chicken
9pm: Metformin+jardiance
white wine

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