In October 2021, Geoff lost out on his dream academic program after some unfortunate twists and turns. (click the link if you want to read about it).
He recovered from that disappointment and enrolled in another program at a different school. He could have enrolled in the same program at this different school, but he'd have to start over, start from scratch. And he didn't want to do two solid years and possibly have the wheels fall off the cart again 3 months before completion of the program. So he picked something different, on purpose.
Doug helped him navigate the options and he entered into a Medical Lab Technology program in April 2022. He had to take phlebotomy first, and pass it, and then moved ahead with the medical lab tech stuff.
Today, he graduated with the certificate.
After what he went through with the last community college, I feel like sending his picture to the program director and letting her know how thankful we are that she felt he was unworthy. He wasn't unworthy. He needed some extra help and guidance, and this program didn't provide it to him, so we found one that did.
He loved his instructors and his program head. I really hope he doesn't stop here and he enrolls in the continuing academic program and gets his associates. After he gets his associates, he can go on to any Virginia state college/university (George Mason, UVA, VCU, etc...) without going through application processes - you just continue the journey.
Right now, he's happy to be done with this and have certification in something, it will make him valuable to an employer to have this in line.
The only thing he has left to do is to complete his phlebotomy license exam. That's it. Technically, every job out there requires it. So he would not get hired, or, would get hired and told he had X amount of time to get the certification.
There was some drama on the way here. Last night he asked who all was coming to the graduation. I said "us. We're your squad," gesturing to Linda, Doug and myself. I think he was mad. He knew Jess couldn't make it, but I think he thought Doug's mom and sister were still coming. And we invited Sara (she works in an academic success program through University of Maryland for first generation college students), or M&M. But it was a Monday. A graduation on a Monday. And asking people to take time off to come to this is a touch unrealistic. Linda at least is working right now to get some things done before she leaves tomorrow.
But I could see he was actually disappointed. And that made me sad. He went up the deck stairs, and went to bed.
This morning, I got up before 6 when the dog came to the living room to ask me for breakfast. I made coffee and got in the shower. Geoff came upstairs, got coffee, and we didn't see each other. But once I came out into the kitchen and we crossed paths, I noted he had on cargo shorts and white socks and sneakers with kind of a golf shirt.
"What are you doing?" I asked him, "we just went and bought you all new shirts and pants and dress socks and stuff. The whole thing. What are you thinking. No. You are not wearing cargo shorts."
He pushed back saying everyone said it is hot under the robe, and I said "yes it is. Of course it is. But you'll survive. You'll get through it, butter cup. You can keep that shirt on, but go get your dress pants."
He also didn't shave and didn't think it was a big deal. So we argued about that (I won the pants argument, not the shaving one). Doug came out and started on him and he yelled that mom already got "up in my face about this shit and can we please stop!"
I went and got dressed, Doug and Linda were dressed, and we said "we're dressed better than you are for your graduation." He went and put on dress pants. At least. And he was surly as fuck.
I thought the arena was by Tysons Corner but it was at George Mason University, twice as far away. So Doug was annoyed with me for getting it wrong. I was just rolling my eyes at this point at everyone. We got there at 8:40, 10 minutes "late" but based on the amount of graduates who came in long after the ceremony began well, we were just fine. Geoff was able to pick up his cap and gown, and we were good to go.
It was a good ceremony, but I have notes.
I was kind of surprised they do the certificate and associates together at the same time. I was disappointed because they split the students up, A-M at 10am, N-Z at 3pm. Geoff didn't actually graduate with anyone in his program. There were a couple of people who were getting their Associates in his program but no one getting their certification, and he didn't know any of the people getting their MLT Associates. No one. Everyone from his program was going to be in the 3pm session. Weird, huh? But that's the way the alphabet works.
I really think they should have kept the programs together, and done certificates in the morning, associates in the afternoon? Or, all the criminal justice and IT programs, and all the Allied health programs, and Liberal Arts/General studies in the afternoon. I don't know. Just ... It could have been better managed.
And their parking/traffic management was an absolute shit show.
I will say it was a great scene, so much diversity, so many families. A dad sat behind us with his 3 little ones, three under 5, I'd say. They were noisy, raucous, and there he is, trying to take pictures but also include them and let them know how important it is.
It is important.
Their mommy probably started on this journey right after the little boy was born, and here she is, graduating. There was a young woman behind us sitting near them who kind of stepped in to keep them entertained, so he could set up the camera, and get pictures and take 1/3 of them to the bathroom, over and over, in rotation. He really could have used an auntie, or a grandma, or something.
Luckily this young woman was just good. She was lovely. And the kids ended up being very good through the whole ceremony. When it came time for mommy to go up on the stage, he had them come to the rail. When they cheered for her, we cheered for her.
After it was all over, we decided to put distance between us and the arena. We figured the one or two restaurants near the venue were going to be mobbed. So we drove to Bethesda, ate at a little place that we didn't intend to eat at, but it worked out fantastically.
We all took big naps.
Anyway, Geoff actually smiled a bunch, there's video evidence of it on Instagram (let me know if you want to see it. But we got some good pictures, and here they are.

exercise: 5 hours of 250 steps. lots of stadium sitting, a big nap that covered 2 hours and a bit of a lazy non-effort for the evening
blood glucose:
6am: 178
6:30pm: 177
10:15pm: 202
coffee, water
8am: protein shake
3pm: buffalo wings, salad w/ goat cheese, mixed greens, sliced red apple and walnuts; 1/2 my turkey, brie, avocado sandwich (the salad was much bigger than anticipated), 2 small beers
4:30pm: lunchtime metformin (should have taken it with me to the graduation but forgot)
6:45pm: Chinese food: red curry shrimp, general gao's chicken, garlic pork, egg roll, 3 peking ravioli. No rice.