Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Neverender: NWFTWM Coheed and Cambria night!

 We're going to a concert tonight at a venue in our small city. I've had three chances to see Frank Turner there, and it's been not in the stars each time. So I'm looking forward to seeing the band tonight. 

Our friends M&M are our concert going buddies tonight, and they also went to see a different band there on Friday night. 

It is a General Admission show, and Doug is already griping about going. He's always like "yeah, let's do that thing!" and when the day comes, he's all "nah, I changed my mind." 

I am not a fan of GA shows. I'd sworn that the only band I'll continue to see GA is, of course, Guster. But I find myself tonight going to a GA show with a grumbly unhappy husband and I'm sure it'll be loads of fun. 

My Guster friend Deb is going to be there. Coheed and Cambria are her number one. She's got the tattoos, she travels near and far to see them. I am looking forward to seeing her, if possible, tonight. She and her fellow fans have early admission to the show, meet and greet, personal acoustic song pre-game with the band. She said the opening act is no good, so maybe we'll try to connect by the bar or something. Selfies or it didn't happen. 

She put me on an email thread with about 8 other people talking about a meet and greet. I gave them several locations that would work perfectly for them, and they said they'd let me know where they end up. I could go meet some new friends. 

We are having dinner with M&M, 7pm, so we'll get in the doors well after the show starts. We'll miss the opening act, and so Debs says that's okay. 

Wish us well. I'm sure I'll recap tomorrow! 


exercise: 11/12 hours of 250 steps. Missed 7pm from being at dinner.

blood glucose:

8:45am: 194
4:45pm: 166
11:45pm: 239 (forgot to bring my meds with me to take at dinner)

coffee, water
8:45am: 2 good yogurt
11:30am: metformin. Tuna on top of a large bowl of salad, mayo, celery, feta, tomato, field greens, cucumber, red onion
4:45: ramekin of mixed nuts
7pm: tapas: several cheeses, asparagus wrapped in prosciutto, shrimp tacos, figs wrapped in bacon, 2 gin & tonics 
9pm: 1 beer
11:45pm: metformin+jardiance (due to the missing of taking it at dinner!)

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