Friday, May 12, 2023

Aloe Aloe Aloe!

Doug had a doctor's appointment today, and my only task personally has been to vacuum before Linda gets here tomorrow. I have a lot to do tomorrow, but it is supposed to rain so I figure the morning will be awesome, filled with tasks like washing bed sheets and cleaning the bathroom. 

After Doug got back from his appointment, I took 2 potted aloe plants outside, to repot them. One was way too big for the pot it was in, and was falling out and over. It was so heavy/big that the entire thing fell off the window sill a couple weeks ago, so I figured today would be good to sit out, and do plant care. It was hot out but not brutal, so it was a perfect day to go out and do this task! 

I noticed the too big for its pot aloe was having a baby, so I put that in its own pot and now I have three aloe plants. I also noticed the garden needs to be watered, but I refrained because on the overnight it's supposed to start happening, so, I didn't want to overwater the things. 

Tomorrow Doug's going to his aunt's. She called tonight to say that she needs help with a bunch of things, so he is reluctantly going since we're expecting company and he had plans to do some things here. But the next time he'll be able to go over to help her would maybe possibly be next weekend and she sounded like she really needed a lot of help with a couple things. So. Off he goes in the morning. I can get done the things I want to get done before Linz comes, the things I needed him to do have to do with his clothes in the bedroom and getting organized. It can wait, honestly.

Pictures of the aloe action below. On the left, the two plants before I did the work, on the right, the new family of 3. Didn't realize I'd semi-cropped out the middle sized plant on accident, trying to get that big one in frame and looking good. And feature the babyeeee.


exercise: 11 hours of 250 steps. Missed 1pm because I was playing a game on my phone and lost track of time at the end of the hour... tried to make it but fell just short. No dedicated 10 but I did vacuum, moved furniture around. Kind of a workout!

blood glucose:

9am: 165
4:30pm: 160
10pm: 133


coffee, water 
11:30: turkey & swiss on 647 wheat w/mayo. Metformin
6:30pm: grilled chicken thighs in 2 low-carb wheat wraps w/ shredded cheddar, avocado spread, sour cream; metformin+jardiance
8pm: last 1/2 chicken thigh
9pm: bowl of tex mex trail mix
gin & tonics

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