Saturday, May 27, 2023

A little but not a lot for Farmer Chris

Memorial Day weekend, and we made no plans. 

I asked him last night if he had any ideas for stuff he'd like to do. I mentioned a brewery that we're fond of is having their last hurrah this weekend and closing next week, he seemed disinterested. 

I am not sure what's up with him, he's a little out of sorts. 

This morning we sat around and did nothing and then he thought we ought to take the dog for a walk. We never take the dog for a walk. He is old and he has a hard time walking and getting up off the floor these days. 

The other day he was in the kitchen and he wiped out, and couldn't get back up. Triggered memories of Brodie in her last year where she'd just fall down in the kitchen and lay there and patiently await rescue. I would walk into the kitchen and see her there, just ... there. Looking at me like "oh. hello." 

But Phineas was not going to stay put, he was frantic and fighting to get up. I heard him and I was able to get him upright but he was horribly unsteady on his feet, until he got into the living room to the rug. This happens a couple times a week it seems. The poor bean. It's hard being almost 13.

I am reluctant anymore to take him anywhere other than a walk around the exterior of the house. He comes with me when I do my hourly steps and I go around (2x around the house is about 350 steps!). But today Doug felt he could use a stroll. 

The temperature was perfect, absolutely perfect, no humidity, just the best. We went up to the park, by the elementary school, and back up the street. Probably a 15 minute walk if you're just a human hoofing on your normal stroll, but it was closer to 45 minutes with two pokemon stops, a yard sale to scope out, and a couple of nice benches, and a very friendly old lady who wanted to stop and pat him and talk to him. 

We got home from our outing, and Doug went out to turn the last garden plot that he hadn't yet flipped. I went out and planted all of the sunflower seeds we had left from the past couple years. I am hoping for a jungle of sunflowers.

He left a lot of weeds and grass in the plot, which defeats the purpose because the weeds and grass are just going to grow up from where they've been flipped. I got in and got dirty. Digging in and pulling out the clay clumps, shaking out what soil I could get and flinging the grass and weeds at the fence. I got stung by something, felt like a finger stick for my testing kit. Ouch. Unexpected. But I never found what it was that stuck me. I was reluctant to walk barefoot in the plot so I was happy to have my flip flops to help.

I threw the seeds in, stomped them down as well as I could and then hosed the plot down, and stomped some more. My flip flops were caked and solid with the clay. It felt fun and I had a good time. 

Equally good time hosing off my footwear and my feet before coming in. 

All told, a very good day. No pictures but I should have taken a picture of the feet. 

Not sure what our plans are tomorrow. Doug hinted at a trip to Skyline Drive, if we can get up and out of our own way early enough. If not there is a pop up makers market at one of the DC breweries we like, so maybe we can go there. 

Hoping for good weather. Because today would have probably been the better day for Skyline Drive, but, we got the sunflowers in and that's good too.


exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps.  Doug and I took Phineas for a walk. Dedicated 10+ a lot, even with stopping and starting, good benches to play Pokemon on and let the dog rest!

blood glucose:

9:30am: 163
4:30pm: 174  
10pm: 187


coffee, water
10:45am: one left over chicken thigh
noon: metformin (ha. i remembered!)
1:30pm: 2 good yogurt
4:30pm: 2 triscuits and 4 slices of cheddar cheese
6:30pm: bowl of baked ziti with meat sauce, 2 slices of garlic bread
7:30pm: protein shake

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