Friday, May 19, 2023


This afternoon, I went to see Henry (and Sara & Sean) and listen to Hen practice with his music teacher for tomorrow morning's recital. 

I had a surprise for him. Brian from Guster made him a video to encourage him to do his best and that no matter what, he's amazing just for playing piano. 

I don't want to post the video, or Henry's reaction (Sara recorded it for us) but I just have to say we are so lucky to be fans of this band, and these musicians are so generous and kind to us. Suffice to say, I'd love to show it to you. But. I won't.

Overall I am just thinking how cool it is that I email a rock star, ask him to support an 8 year old who is freaking out over his recital, and the rock star sends back a video - not just an email, but a video. And includes dogs from the dog park at the end. 

How lucky are we to be fans of this band. I'm shaking my head over how kind they are, and the things they do for their fans and the world overall. What a gift it is to just know they are out there.

I'm looking forward to Henry's recital, and to be honest, I don't think I'd get out of bed on a Saturday morning for anyone else on earth right now. I'll let you know how it goes.

Oh and I just wanted to add that I have 900 pounds of laundry to fold, so I couldn't find the capris I wanted to throw on to walk out the door this afternoon. So I put on the pants I bought at Kohls a couple weeks ago. 

The size 16 pants. 

Now, for some of you you'd laugh at 16 like "OMG THAT IS HUGE!" but, I wore size 22, then 20, then 18. My size 18 pants are so big they fall off. So tonight was the maiden voyage of the size 16 jeans. And they fit and look fantastic. 

Ha. There ya go. 


Work was so busy this week but I feel like I got nothing done today, and I still have things to do. It is 10pm and I just answered some emails and had a great back and forth with a colleague in Utah, Maybe after the recital tomorrow. If we don't go do more fun things. 

Anyway. Doug went to bed at 9, he was super tired. The dog is snoring here beside me, I think I'll head to the guest room and read. 


exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps. No dedicated 10, kind of a busy day!

blood glucose:

9am: 168
5:30pm: 150
10pm: 181


coffee, water
9am: PBJ w/ low sugar J on 647 bread
10:45am: bowl of mac & cheese with tons of hamburger
12pm: Metformin
1pm: bowl of salad, can of tuna, bunch of mayo, mixed
6pm: grilled chicken thighs in Mediterranean marinade: Mayo (I was out of plain yogurt), lime juice, garlic, ginger, spicy hot sesame oil, paprika, scallions, parsley. Salad of romaine, tomato, cucumber, chipotle ranch dressing
7pm: metformin+jardiance
8/9pm: a couple ramekins of Asian Mix snack mix from Target (a bit more carb heavy than I thought, but, cashews, almonds, wasabi peas) 
10pm: protein shake (to balance out those snacky carbs)

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