Monday, May 08, 2023

Clothes, Sneakers, Jeep

For a very long time, none of my clothes have fit me. My pants are all too big. I have jeans that are size 20 that I've been wearing just because they're here. I was out recently with my friend Sara and was holding my pants up, because in addition to my pants being too big, I don't own a belt or LIKE belts. I hate them. I can never find one that doesn't just suck. 

Sara said "girl. we need to go shopping for some pants." She was entirely correct. A lot of people may say "well Chris, why don't you just order some clothes online?" To whit I say, meh. I want to see the clothes, try them on, decide if I like them or not. So in person is the way to go. 

The last clothing I bought was two blouses and a pair of khaki dress pants for my brother in law's dad's funeral back in August. I was happy to get into a size 16 pant, but, was also feeling like these were still a little too big. Maybe just the "relaxed, women's cut" of it all. 

Geoff wanted some new dress pants and shirts, for his graduation and job interviews. And because he is not a procrastinator like I am, we jumped on a free moment together post-exams and clinical and academic requirements to go shopping. 

I managed to find two pairs of shorts, kind of "dressy" if you can say shorts are dressy. They aren't grey athletic shorts, and they aren't capri pants, they're .... cute shorts. 

I was in the fitting room and there was a blouse hanging on a hook there, and it looked cute too. Marked XL I was sure it wouldn't fit but it did. A little tight around my gut - I look pregnant as usual - but it fit everywhere else, so I decided it would come home with me. It's yellow and white. I found another shirt in the same area. I went to the men's department with Geoff and almost bought several flower shirts (little tiny flowers, lots of colors...) but passed. Now I regret it. 

The other thing I needed was a new pair of sneakers. Glad I went to try them on in person. My feet have gotten a little larger, and wider. So trying on was a good plan. My current sneakers are a mess. In 2020, I moved the fire pit with my foot and the wheel had actually melted, and my sneaker got covered with melted black plastic.

Good thing I never need to go anywhere in person. 

I have plenty of flip flops and hiking sandals so it isn't like I'm barefoot. And in the fall/winter I've been wearing hiking shoes. So poor sneakers - they're going to be relegated to doing dirty outdoor work. Thank you for your service. 

Geoff picked out one shirt and I told him he could pick out more. "They're kind of expensive," he says. 

"It's okay. It isn't like we buy clothes every other week or even twice a year. Last time we went shopping for you was 2015 for your Eagle ceremony and Graduation so, feel free. Get some shirts. 

Worth it. He's ready to go, ready for interviews, graduation, and looking good. 

Funny thing is, he'll dress up to interview for jobs where he'll be wearing scrubs. Next purchase, whatever color scrubs he needs for work. He's been wearing khaki for school, and every lab or hospital is different. So we'll see what he needs. At least he knows exactly what size, he can shop on line. 

And we are finding ourselves in need of replacing the Jeep. Geoff drove it every day to Virginia, for the last 2 years for school. This week, the shocks went on the front right tire, the brakes are just ... no. Done. He'd had a small fender bender in it last year and the hood won't close, so it's been kind of a mess for a while. A great beater. Served us well. Doug and I went to take it to Home Depot and turned around and came home, it was that concerning. I'm glad it survived getting Geoff to school. 

That said, Doug is doing his shop for a good deal on a car thing. He's always wanted a mini cooper Countryman and found one for sale for a good price at a dealership in Virginia. 

He took off Thursday, Friday, and Monday for Geoff's graduation things. We found out that the thing Geoff received an invitation to for Thursday wasn't meant for his group. Certificate program kids don't get pinned, the Associates Degree kids do. So now he thinks he'll take a trip down to go look at this car. Not sure if I go too? Well, if he buys it someone has to drive a car home, eh? 

I took Friday and Monday off, I was thinking we'd have Doug's mom/sister here at the house starting Thursday but that's not happening. My sister arrives on Sunday. So now we find ourselves with some free open time. Kind of a gift from the universe in some ways. So maybe we can leave early on Thursday and go pick this car up? I kind of want him to buy a car in Maryland, because the dealership is responsible for making sure vehicles pass inspection here, not us. If we buy a car anywhere else, we could be in trouble. And I don't want that. 

He's not finding what he wants in Maryland though, sadly. Hmmm. Well, We'll see what happens.

Alright. Digits below!



exercise: 12 hours of 250 steps; lots of house walking and a trip to target

blood glucose:

7:45am: 195
5pm: 195
9:45pm: 167


coffee, water 
10:30: left over salad w/tuna and mayo
noon: metformin
2pm: peanut butter on 647 white toast
6:45pm: burgers on lettuce, 2 stray hotdogs. no buns. metformin+jardiance

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