Friday, May 05, 2023

Painting Lines

It was 1am. The dog, per his usual, needed to go out so I walked into the living room to open the door. The living room was flooded in flashing yellow and orange lights, so not emergency vehicles but utility or something. Curious. 

I put pants on, opened the door and went out with him. There were three giant trucks with big flashing lights and I could hear a machine running. I couldn't see the insignia on the truck with the flashing lights and wondered if this was the water company, if something was broken/clogged. Phineas did his business, and thankfully didn't bark at anything what with it being 1am and all. 

He went back inside so I walked to the corner.

There was a machine, kind of like a roto-tiller, with flames shooting out of it. Actual, factual FLAMES. One guy was pushing it, three guys were guiding him, and another guy had a leaf blower and was walking around behind the entourage. Oh, and there was a guy supervising. 

This is quite a surreal vision, such a weird thing to see. 

They're painting lines for the crosswalk and the stop line. Only I have no idea why flames are involved. 

After a while, they finish up. Leaf blower guy and supervisor guy are still there checking the lines and cleaning up the dust of whatever the painting machine is doing. The flaming painting machine. The supervisor walks over to me, and says "Hey, how's your night going?"

"Well, it's going alright, certainly has become interesting what with this all," I said. He asks if they woke me up, I confessed no, the dog did but my curiosity was piqued by all the fun happening out here. 

I asked him what all the flames were about, do they heat the paint so it dries faster? He said no - it's not really paint. It's plastic, they heat it up, it comes out of the machine, it dries very fast as it cools. They do this at night with cooler weather and a lot less traffic. And they were moving up the block to the next intersection. 

This process fascinated me, and once he confirmed to me that this wasn't some kind of fever dream of weirdness with fire belching equipment running all over our neighborhoods at night I felt a little more mentally put together. How cool is that. Learning at 1am. 

They walked up the street to follow their team, I went back inside to a very concerned dog who then ushered me to bed quickly. 

I slept pretty well after that, Geoff was exceptionally quiet and I didn't even hear him leave. I smelled the coffee brewing at 5:30, and Phineas woke me up at 6 to eat, which is much later than he usually wakes me up. He usually wakes up when he hears Geoff and then pesters me until I finally capitulate and feed him at 5:45. 

People wonder why I like to sleep in on the weekends.

Anyway, I ended up awake and got up to play on my phone and goof off. I had an early meeting, and there was an urgent client thing that I helped out with that ate my morning. 

It's actually gorgeous out, I am thinking of packing up and going outside. The leaves have come in, and it is shady. We haven't put our gift umbrella out (mostly because I want Doug to weed whack between the pavers on the patio before we put the 900 pound base down, and then have to move it again!

And because I have not taken pictures of food lately, here's lunch, which was so perfect I wanted a second sandwich but. 


exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps not a real dedicated 10 but a short pokemon walk

blood glucose:

8:00am: 200
5pm: 166
10:30pm: 213

coffee, water, iced coffee
9:45am: the last of the chicken salad (approx 1.5 cups) before Doug could get it. ha.
12noon: tuna melt (2 pieces American cheese, basically a whole can of tuna+mayo, 647 italian bread); metformin
5pm: crackers, hummus, 3 baby bell cheeses
6:30pm: metformin+jardiance
7pm: sandwich from deli: super grain bread, turkey, avocado, bacon
Beers at Babycat
9:30pm: roast beef, baby bell cheeses, nuts

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