Wednesday, May 24, 2023


I am hot at night time. It's that time of year. 

Doug doesn't really like the windows open because "it is noisy out." He is right. Cars go down the street but it isn't like a highway. The lawn mowing is usually over by the time he gets home unless the Texan over there decides to do it after work. Oh yeah, and our neighbor across the street is CONSTANTLY working on projects in his yard that require grinding, cutting, metal power tools and he sometimes goes to 9pm, when the light is over. 

Doug wishes he'd "Just give it a rest already." Yeah. But I can put on the TV and turn it up loud, or, close the living room windows but keep the kitchen and bedroom windows open so it's cool for bed. 

The birds do start a ruckusing and fussing around 4am. So that can be disruptive.

Okay. Alright... so the AC is alright but to be honest. It doesn't really cool things down to my liking.

Last night we went to bed, and our bedroom is always colder in the winter and hotter in the summer because the vents or tubing or whatever the magic word is for AC thingies that travel all through your house go. Geoff watches tv in the living room and closes our door so as not to bother us. I managed to fall asleep, but didn't stay asleep, as I was roasting in bed. 

The dog wanted out at 1:30. I got up to let him out, and we went to the guest room and I flung open the window. The AC had kicked in, since our bedroom door was opened and the thermostat detected how warm it was so it blessed us with some stuff. But. I didn't care. The outside air was wicked cold and felt so good. I closed the bedroom door a bit (left it open enough that Phin could open it with his nose if he wanted) and we went back to sleep. 

Once Doug left for work, I watched him pull away and whipped all the windows open, turned the AC off. And around 5:30pm if the thermostat dictates it is too warm up in here, I'll close everything up again. 

Wash, rinse, repeat until it is in the 90s all day and 80s overnight and just hot as balls outside so we won't want the windows open again until October or whatever.

But I will say - the weather here lately has been very unlike what the last few Mays have been and I find it delightful and wonderful and don't want it to end. 

I really hate being hot. I can dress for the cold, I can get under blankets. But laying in my own bed, sweating, not wanting my legs to touch each other, waking up cause my hand touched my hot thigh, not wanting the nuclear furnace of the dog near my back/ass/thighs, I get so miserable. 

Hoping tonight is super comfortable. Over the weekend it will be 90 degrees so we can close up shop and deal with it.

Oh, By the way. Please watch this new release from Josh Ritter from the Non-Comm Music Alliance that I've been enjoying all day. 

And for my Christian College friends - Getting Ready to Get Down is quite the song, you may see/feel yourself in it. It puts a smile on my face. Except it wasn't a little Bible College in Missouri, you know where we were. There's a lot of words, so look up the lyrics and read along as he rips through them. Do it. You'll laugh and smile too.

digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps.  dedicated 10 pokemon walk

blood glucose:

8am: 171
5:30pm: 178
10pm: 163 


coffee, water; iced coffee
9:30am: protein shake
12:15pm: left over shrimp curry w/veggies
12:30: Metformin
12:45 still hungry. left over pork & garlic w/veggies
7:15pm: metformin+jardiance 
7:45: one cheeseburger, big salad
8:30pm: cheese and crackers; tex mex trail mix

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