Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

This is the longest I have worked anywhere. 

I've had jobs where I thought I'd be there longer. The college job made me exceptionally mentally ill so I quit it and walked away. My colleagues that started around the time I started are all still there. Imagine having a resume with one employer on it, 26 years worth of time (I know how long because I started when Geoff was 3 months old). 

There were a couple other jobs I got laid off, but I was incredibly happy there. I had a contract job that I liked until the company decided that they couldn't keep me on or let me WFH as a contractor during my surgery recovery, so they terminated my contract. Well, I was not truly happy there. 

The best part of that one was I got picked up as a free agent by my current job right after that thanks to the hiring/placement agency that recruited me. When the company that severed the contract with me wanted me back, it was a joy to tell them no. Hilarious. 

No, sorry. For real though, I'd still be working for you if you were not so short sighted on telework in this the year of our Lord 2014. Your loss. 

Well, they hired Jess because my manager was in complete desperation, and then the following spring fired her. 

I don't think my employer counts May 2014-December 2014 as part of my tenure, that was contract work. I was hired back on as a full time employee in April 2015 and have been there since. 

These things I know because of a log in to an application. That application is officially retired this week. No longer to exist. Sad. It's the first product that I've been the "SME" or "Subject Matter Expert" on. We replaced it, and over time we've been planning the sunset. And here we are. it is time. 

I was reminded of the song "Closing Time" by Semisonic. A huge hit back in the late '90s there. Closing time for you, dear broken and dilapidated product. You did good for when you needed to do good. 

We've moved on to a new Content Management System (CMS) which the last 3 years of my life have focused on. But this old jalopy will always have a place in my heart. 

Thanks for always reminding me of my work anniversary. Too bad I won't be able to watch this date and these numbers grow now that your little display is gone. 

Digits below.


exercise: 12/12 hours of 250 steps.  not a real dedicated 10 per se but a lot of walking around between meetings!

blood glucose:

8:30: 166
5pm: 145
10pm: 165


coffee, water
11am: big salad w/bacon (romaine, tomato, red onion, cucumber, mayo, bacon) 
11:45: metformin
2:30pm: apple+peanut butter
6pm: wine
7pm: metformin+jardiance
7:45pm: homemade potato salad, 4 bratwurst.
9:30pm: 6 crackers w/peanut butter

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